The Horrors of the Hive

"That didn't take as long as expected," Steven said with a note of wonderment in his voice. "She's so much faster than before!" The drone had flown over the neighborhood rooftops and towards the metro entrance that they had previously witnessed being used a way into the hive. A few of the dragonfly creatures were seen in the sky, but they didn't seem to pay the drone any mind, instead keeping their focus on the ground for any unsuspecting prey.

"That's it right there." Adam pointed to a spot on the screen where a metro sign could barely be seen. It would have been easy to miss as it was almost entirely obscured by sticky, orange ichor. Steven piloted the drone down past the gooey strands and into the mouth of the tunnel.

It looked almost nothing like a metro entrance anymore, as all the surfaces were completely covered in several layers of slime, which gradually became writhing masses of fleshy tentacles. It gave the impression of being inside a living body, as the walls and floors gently pulsated and oozed what appeared to be more of the aphrodisiac "nectar".

"Good thing we are doing this remotely," Sarah gulped. "I'm… I'm not sure how long I'd be able to stay… myself… while being in contact with that much of the… stuff…" Her face reddened again, remembering how willing she had become to spread her legs and submit to pleasure simply after a minute or two of being covered in the viscous liquid.

"H-how bad was it…?" Zoey sheepishly asked, nervously fidgeting in her chair. "Did… did it hurt at all…? Wait, y-you don't have to answer that!" She buried her blushing face in her hands.

"It's okay Zoey. It's important to share information, even if… not comfortable," Sarah replied. "It was like I was trapped in my body, watching another woman who looked like me do all kinds of… acts." She gulped before continuing, "but at the same time, I didn't want it to stop… I knew it was wrong but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered… other than trying to feel as good as possible… and help others feel the same. It was like a curtain had been lifted from my eyes to reveal the true possibilities of living and I needed to show everyone else that truth…?" She awkwardly scratched at her still-messy hair. "It's… well, hard to explain. But no… it, um, definitely didn't hurt." Sarah could feel her pulse in her ears from blushing so hard, but she laughed it off.

"That's… a little comforting, I guess…" Zoey trailed off, looking at the door of the room. She had likely been worried about her family and Diana for a while now and hadn't really been able to find any source of reassurance until now.

"Shh! shh!" Steven whispered. "Ok guys, I need to concentrate now. It's getting kinda' messy in here, so can we keep the loud, erotic chatter to a minimum please?" Zoey looked like she was about to smack her stepbrother's head, but realized that could be a bad move and settled on simply crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair with a huff.

He was right, though. The tunnels WERE getting more complicated and strewn with various obstacles. Pillars of ichor rose from the ground all the way up to the ceiling, vines of tentacles draped over corridors, and, of course, hundreds of nude humans were trapped within, some with only their genitals or breasts exposed.

Steven tried not to focus on the lewd scenes everywhere, hoping to maintain his composure and thus control on the drone. However, his willpower wasn't strong enough to prevent him from "investigating" some of the people he came across. Every wet orifice they could see was filled with a tentacle. Ass holes, pussies, mouths, and even, oddly enough, ears, had tendrils stuffing them. Transparent tentacles enveloped the rigid cocks and plump tits of the human livestock, languidly milking them of their white juices.

Some of the captives strained energetically against their restraints, howling in pleasure, while others simply hung limp, letting out long, constant moans while drooling past the tentacles in their mouths. Still others didn't have a choice in movement at all, as only their asses were sticking obscenely out of the wall, held completely immobile by the hard ichor as tentacles plunged into their holes and sucked on their erect cocks or clits. It was clear which of the captives had been here longer than others.

"Follow the flow," A'luhr suddenly said, snapping everyone out of their muted stupor. "Most of the fluids will be directly fed to the queen, so if we follow those tentacles, we should be able to find her." She gestured to some of the tentacles incorporated into the tunnel's surfaces. Sarah looked closely and noticed that they had the recently absorbed bodily fluids flowing through them, all in the same direction.

"Of course," A'luhr continued, "Some of it is mixed with the Krinis's nectar to create nutritious sustenance for the livestock." As if to prove her point, the drone passed by a woman whose head was entirely covered by tentacles, except for her exposed mouth. A thick appendage detached from the ceiling above her and thrust into her throat, which seemed to happily welcome the invader.

Immediately, thick streams of light-orange liquid could be seen coursing through the tentacle and into her mouth, some of it gushing past her lips and dribbling down to coat her voluptuous, jiggling boobs. The woman hungrily gulped down the fluid and loudly gasped as the tentacle pulled away from her mouth, leaving a thick trail of the juice that splattered down her pregnant belly and over her pussy lips, acting as even more lubricant for the three tentacles fighting for dominance in her messy cunt.

"Mmm-more! Please! MORE!" The woman blindly begged into the air. Her voice was barely audible over the loud sounds of other captives pleading as they, too, were cut off from the vile-looking fluid. "Fuck! Oh fuck! I need moRMPHHGH" Her crazed cries were silenced as another tentacle suddenly filled her throat. It didn't seem to be feeding her the same stuff, but she greedily sucked on it with a dumb, happy smile on her barely visible face.

The drone moved onwards down what felt like miles of tunnels, with the same horrendous scenes playing out everywhere they looked. Steven had to stop the drone a few times to prevent it from running into the tentacles that moved around the area.

Once, he even narrowly avoided a sudden collision with dozens of small tentacles and a torrent of fluid that fell from the ceiling above. Tilting the camera up, several asses hanging from the ceiling came into view. Women were suspended in ichor cocoons, their legs up over their heads with only their genitals on display below. The only dripping holes that weren't filled with writhing tentacles were those that were giving birth.

To everyone's horror, they quickly realized that the deluge of squirming tendrils that the drone had dodged had been ejected from the gaping pussy of a woman above them, which was still oozing with the slime of her latest birthing. One tentacle hadn't fallen to the floor to wriggle away with its stepsiblings. Instead it had latched onto the woman's swollen clit and was suckling it as if it were a nipple. The woman's slit flexed open and closed with the powerful orgasms still wracking her tightly bound body, but that didn't stop another thick, ribbed tentacle from plowing deep into the newly vacated hole to start the process all over again.

Eventually, the drone exited the maze of tunnels and found itself in a large clearing. The cavern looked as if something huge had scooped out the earth like ice cream and lined the crater with tentacles.

"Wh-what the…?" Steven said in a breathless voice, almost forgetting to keep control of the drone to maneuver out of the way of the sudden, powerful ejaculation erupting out of a throbbing cock on a nearby wall. The spunk pooled on the fleshy surface of the ground below, where several of the newly birthed Krinis began to dunk their "faces" into it and drink deeply.

"The Krinis do not simply adopt the lands they consume," A'luhr explained. "They also change it. As a subterranean species, it stands to reason that they are capable of forging their own tunnels. This one just seems to be… rather large."

Large was an understatement. The far walls of the vast underground chamber couldn't even be seen. The room sported hundreds of towering pillars of tentacles that supported the cave's structure. Lodged within the pillars were countless trapped humans, which also lined the floors and walls and even hung from the ceiling. Long streams of aphrodisiac nectar oozed from the top of the cavern, falling alongside the various sexual fluids that slowly leaked from the swaying dicks and juicy pussies of those trapped in the ceiling.

The surfaces of the chamber were all gently pulsating with a pinkish-orange bioluminescent glow, so even though they were miles underground, all of the lewd acts could still be plainly seen by the drone as it weaved by.

"It's… getting hard to follow the tubes…" Steven moaned. "There are just so many now…"

It wasn't hard to see why that was the case. Many people were being milked like those in the hallways, as evidenced by the thousands of transparent tentacles carrying harvested cum and milk away from the captives and across the entire hive. Unlike the hallways, however, many people were in new positions. They saw men and women of various ages and ethnicities plastered together in the ichor or held with tentacles. Many were forced into 69 positions while encased within - some even with the same sex - and eagerly lapped and sucked at their partner's genitals while tentacles thrust in and out of their holes.

The drone passed by a man and two women suspended in the air by thick tentacles that held their limbs up over their heads. They were positioned facing each other in a tight circle so that their genitals were all touching. The man's foot long dick stood proudly next to the two six inch clits of his female companions.

They were all writhing in unison as a single transparent tentacle swallowed all three of the sensitive organs, sucking and squeezing them together. The clits swirled around the man's rigid shaft as they were all stroked together, until finally the man came and filled the tentacle sleeve with his seed. The semen was sucked away, but not before it sloshed around their genitals, creating an intensely lubed sensation. All three of them groaned and cried out as one as their sexes were endlessly sucked together.

A nearby group of suspended humans were undergoing a different fate. A man was held spread-eagled parallel to the ground far below, facing the ceiling. A slender woman with enormous breasts was hanging upside down by her spread legs, with her face wedged between the man's thighs.

Tentacles wrapped around her plump tits and slid them up and down around the man's large dick, which was nearly completely engulfed by the soft flesh. While the tendrils used her boobs to give the man a titjob, she busied herself by licking at his engorged, sagging balls and asshole, while a vibrating tentacle filled the latter.

The man's own mouth was not idle, as he greedily sucked and licked at the throbbing male genitals that were sticking out of the wall next to his face. The man in the middle came hard, his cum erupting out of him so powerfully that it managed to cover the woman's entire midsection and even splashed up to cover her pussy lips, which were being roughly parted by a thrusting tentacle nearly the girth of the man's arm.

As the drone moved on, a man's thrusting ass came into view, his limbs stuck in the pillar he was facing. A woman's face could be seen sticking out from the tentacles below him, her moist lips wrapped around the thick shaft of his manhood as she was forced to give the stranger a blowjob. The woman's own legs were peeking out from the pillar below. They were spread wide by tentacles, allowing another man's head, emerging from the pillar just like hers was, to hungrily feast on her wet pussy. He buried his tongue deep into her womanhood and grinded his nose against her exposed clit. This made her eyes roll back into her head and she sucked the other man's cock down into her throat with a new vigor.

There were countless instances of the captives being forced to fuck each other like this. One man had his arms and legs bound up behind him as he hung from a tentacle, leaving his massive cock and balls to swing freely below him. His head was almost completely wrapped in tentacles, save for his groaning mouth, depriving him of all of his senses. The tentacle rhythmically moved him along a wall where several women were stuck in various positions, each one with their gaping holes helpless to do anything but wait to be filled with cock.

The tentacles powerfully thrust the man into each of the women in turn, his huge shaft creating a bulge in their stomachs while his engorged balls loudly smacked against their tight, squirming asses. Each woman had her face exposed and lustfully watched as the man fucked her neighbor, eager for their turn and begging to be next. As his dick slid from one pussy and into another, the gallons of sticky cum that gushed from his previous partner would pour down onto the head of the woman below while some would trail along with him. It resulted in the entire wall becoming a web of semen connecting all of the twitching pussies that didn't even have a chance to fully dry before the man was brought back to the start to impale the women all over again.

A similar scene was happening just below this. A woman was suspended by a tentacle with her legs up over her shoulders, forcing her vagina wide open. Like the man above her, she was subjected to sensory deprivation by tendrils covering her face, while others slithered along her crotch to spread her pussy lips apart.

Below her, dozens of men were lodged into the fleshy ground, with only their faces, torsos, and meaty erections visible. Their large cocks twitched and swayed back and forth, like a patch of flowers dancing in a gentle breeze.

The woman was positioned over each of the rigid rods one after another, being dropped down onto them each time. It reminded Sarah of a morbid crane-game like you might see in an arcade, except with far more accuracy. The woman's well-lubed, gaping cunt easily swallowed every cock that it was forced down onto, sliding up and down each length as the tentacle moved her ass for her to milk each man dry.

None of the men seemed even close to that point, however, as even though each one shot buckets of jizz into her, the flow never stopped. She would be lifted up off of a man's still painfully hard member and swung over to the next awaiting cock. Her dripping hole trailed cum and pussy juice across the faces of the men she had just fucked and down onto the next trembling shaft, which lubed it up for its next round of action.

Most of the floor, however, was occupied by couplings of humans. Hundreds of men were stuck in the slimy ground with their backs forced into an arch and their hips raised high into the air, resulting in their hard manhoods being as exposed as possible. Each one was paired with a woman who was forced into a reverse cowgirl position by the tentacles. Each woman's back was bent forward so that her ass was spread wide for each man to crane his neck to watch while she feverishly rode his swollen cock. The cum of countless orgasms oozed along their shafts, squishing and spreading messily each time the woman's pussy slapped back down to take her partner's dick balls deep.

To Sarah's surprise, there were even some naked humans who weren't bound at all by tentacles. They were simply left to freely roam the room and fuck anyone they wanted. Some seemed to prefer to slide the tentacles off of the cocks or out of the pussies of those trapped in the walls and pillars, allowing for them to personally enjoy the newly exposed and slime-covered genitals. Many simply seemed content to engage in a large orgy where men and women all writhed amongst the tentacles with each other, filling any vacant hole or sucking any lonely breast they could find.

Some even seemed to be using the tentacles as toys. One man pulled a moaning woman off of another guy and spun her around to face him. He had grabbed the suckling tentacles off of two nearby dicks in the wall and plunged them onto the woman's erect nipples. As they began to suck on the new flesh, he buried his face between her juicy tits and motorboated them with a happy, drunken look on his face. She threw her head back and moaned even louder as she began to finger herself.

Eventually, she pulled one of the tentacles off of her now lactating nipple and grabbed the man's hair, pulling his mouth to her breast and forcing him to feed. He did so without hesitation, squeezing her boobs with his hands and playing with them to make them jiggle and bounce in a deliciously lewd display. The woman used her other hand to reach around and firmly spank the man's firm ass, causing him to groan in pleasure.

The drone's light shone down on the sea of glistening nude bodies and its microphone was inundated with a chorus of moans, cries, and screams of absolute ecstasy. Suddenly, Steven piloted the drone sharply away in another direction and began to follow the guiding tentacles as closely as possible to block the obscene sights from the camera's view.

This sudden motion caught everyone by surprise, as they had been enraptured in watching the unrivalled display of hedonism. Even Zoey, who was covering her eyes with her hands, had ventured to peek between her fingers to witness the depraved acts on the screens. Her legs were squirming together ever so slightly.

"Wh-why did you do that…!?" Zoey yelped, snapping out of her thoughts. "What if you had… Stevie…?" She had begun to berate him but her tone turned to one of concern after seeing the shocked and disgusted look on his rapidly paling face.

"It's, um… nothing," he stuttered. "Just thought it best to focus on the objective… that's all. This place is getting to me." His voice came out thickly as if he had cottonmouth. Zoey let out a sigh and fell back into her chair.

Sarah had a suspicion as to why Steven had acted the way he did. Though she couldn't be sure, she thought she had caught a glimpse of Zoey and Steven's mother, whom she had met during orientation, energetically fucking a man she didn't recognize at all. Her blonde hair was flying wildly in the air while her large tits swung back and forth from the force of the man thrusting into her ass doggie-style. Another man below her, who also didn't seem to be her husband, was eagerly ramming his thick rod deep into her golden-muffed pussy while he used his hands to play with her voluptuous boobs. Her tongue hung from her mouth as she panted in delight.

It was quickly put to better use, however, as an athletic black woman suddenly grabbed her face and forced her into a steamy kiss, reaching down to help the man play with her tits while straddling his face to allow his mouth access to her own dripping cunt. She happily rode his face for a while before yanking their mother away from the men and pushing her down to begin frantically scissoring their wet pussies together.

The black woman's dark tufts of pubes perfectly blended with their mother's golden bush. Both of the men from before approached either woman from behind, reaching around to fondle their plump breasts as the juicy mounds bounced up and down from the two women's grinding motions.

There was no sign of Steven and Zoey's father, but it didn't seem too unlikely that he was also somewhere in the chamber, having his cock sucked and fucked by a mixture of horny women, men, and hungry tentacles. Sarah inwardly thanked Steven for shouldering the burden of having to witness that without allowing Zoey to be scarred by the sight.

"You've done a good job avoiding all the falling… debris," Sarah complimented. "I have to say I'm a bit relieved that we haven't been hit by any, well, droppings." She coughed awkwardly and Zoey gagged a bit at the thought.

"You mean feces?" A'luhr asked blandly. The rest of the group seemed hesitant to respond as if the question made them wildly comfortable. Sarah made a mental note that none of them seemed to have a scat fetish. "You will not find any in the hive. Excrement is composed of wasted matter and nutrition, however the nectar that the Krinis produce is perfectly absorbed by the body to provide absolute maximum efficiency in keeping their livestock healthy. As such, you won't find the captives producing much waste, if any. It would be cleaned up rather quickly by the tentacles to avoid the outbreak of disease anyway." She gave a thoughtful look before slowly continuing. "Despite their… aggressive means, the Krinis do value the lives and health of their cattle."

The notion of the nectar being this potent of a substance boggled Sarah's mind. Was such a thing even possible? Its abilities practically seemed like magic. It could alter body chemistry, modify various organs, affect the mind, and now it was revealed to be incredibly nutritious!? The last few months had really opened her eyes to how inferior her own race was when compared to the various extraterrestrials they had encountered. There was still so much to learn!

For a moment, she almost didn't want to destroy the Krinis, and to instead be able to witness and study them firsthand. Was this her true desire, or just the effects of the nectar still wearing off in her system? She wasn't sure, but the decision had already been made. After all of this was over, there would still likely be remains to study, so she would have to be content with that. She sighed.

"That said," A'luhr continued, "I am not sure how good it… tastes. Though the captives do not seem to mind it that much…" Sarah thought back to when she had ingested a relatively small amount of it. Her memories were fuzzy despite it being so recent, but she seemed to recall it tasting and smelling like a sweet, almost cloying, honey, with unearthly but attractive aromas and flavors mixed in. Though she was unsure as to how much of that was due to her altered state of mind at the time versus her actual senses. She gently licked her lips while staring off into space while lost in the memory.

"You okay…?" Adam suddenly asked, hesitantly tapping Sarah on the shoulder. She blinked for the first time in almost a minute and gently shook her head to clear her thoughts, taking in a sharp breath of surprise.

"Y-yeah…!" She stammered. "I was just lost in thought thinking about how… incredible these aliens are. N-not in a positive way, just in a scientific way, you know?"

"I getcha'." Adam nodded in understanding. "It's taking a herculean effort to wait until this is all over to get A'luhr to show me some tricks. I STILL don't know how she got that socket wrench to do that." He shrugged. "We're almost there. Eyes on the prize."

"Mmm…" Sarah murmured in affirmation, returning her focus to the monitors. The drone seemed to be finally moving away from the tall pillars of tentacle-bound humans and towards a large clearing.

"What in the…" Steven said again. To be fair, though, a nearly constant state of shock and wonderment would be expected when witnessing the seemingly impossible sights that the drone continued to record. A large hole, with a diameter equal to two football fields, split the ground below. The yawning chasm was only sparsely lit by weakly pulsating bioluminescence, leaving the bottom totally dark from the drone's point of view. The slithering tentacles along the floor of the cavern hung over the edge of the hole like a waterfall, continuing down the sides of the pit and giving it the appearance of a gigantic, grotesque throat.

"The fluids are being pumped down there, it seems." A'luhr pointed out, gesturing to the web of transparent tentacles that were carrying the collected juices down into the inky blackness.