Going Deeper

"Are you kidding me!?" Steven exclaimed. "I've seen enough horror movies to know not to go down into gigantic dark pits! What if there's a crazy monster down there or something!?"

"I don't really think we have much of a choice," Sarah replied. "Besides, nothing has attacked the drone so far, so as long as you're careful, I imagine it will be fine. It's probably just a regular passage that leads to the lower tier of the hive."

"Sarah Cassidy is right," said A'luhr. "There is no great beast lurking below, other than the queen, who alone is immobile and harmless." She suddenly looked unsure and gave a concerned glance towards the rest of the group. "Unless… your planet has valkrids on it like mine does?"

"Valkrids?" Sarah raised a brow at the unfamiliar word.

"Gigantic worm-like beasts that consume everything in their path." A'luhr shuddered. "One of them managed to decimate half of the Krinis hive on my planet, but it was eventually overwhelmed. One can only imagine how things would have turned out if more of those monsters had been present at the time." A'luhr had a distant, fearful look on her face.

"N-no…" Zoey croaked. "We, uh, don't have those here… thank god." She nervously fidgeted with the drawstring on her hoodie.

"Ok…" Steven took a deep breath. "I'm going in!" The drone began to descend down into the pit. The slowly pulsating orange glow of the tentacles cast shadows from the slithering tentacles and gave the entire area a creepy, hellish atmosphere.

There weren't many captives here, as this seemed to be mostly a connector between chambers, but on occasion the drone's small light would illuminate an ass protruding from the wall, or a pair of swollen breasts being milked by tentacles, which made it even easier to follow the direction of the flow.

After what felt like almost ten minutes of falling, the drone suddenly passed through the bottom of the hole and into another large, dimly lit chamber that, like all the others, seemed to have every surface covered in slimy ichor and tentacles. However, unlike the earlier areas, this one had several structures growing from the ground and the ceiling that seemed entirely composed of tentacles. Sarah continued to be amazed at just how versatile these creatures were. It reminded her of how fire ants created self-aggregations and she began to wonder what the extent of the Krinis' seemingly endless abilities were.

The dozens of structures hanging from the ceiling were shaped like uvulas, with bulbous lower sections being held up by thinner strands of ichor and tentacles. The shapes growing up from the ground looked like large mushrooms, except with the upside down caps, giving the impression of an elongated funnel.

The pulsating glow of the room was too weak to make out clear visuals, but dark outlines of shapes along the sides of the ceiling sacs could be seen as the drone passed by. Steven moved the drone's light back and forth as he went to ensure that he didn't run into anything, attempting to keep a good distance from the strange structures.

Suddenly, a wet sputtering sound could be heard coming from one side of the drone, as a propeller started to fail, sending the machine awkwardly spiraling downwards.

"Shit!" Steven yelled. "Something hit us!" He wrestled with the controller as he attempted to maintain altitude. With a flick of the joysticks, he lurched the drone in such a way that it dislodged whatever had been mucking up the propeller and it whirred to a halt only inches above what appeared to be a small pond at the top of one of the floor structures. The surface of the liquid rippled under the intense wind pressure from the propellers, but the way it sloshed made it appear to be thicker than water.

"Euhh…" Zoey groaned. "What IS this stuff? Wait, no, I don't want to know." She covered her eyes again.

"Ugh... this stuff is oozing all around us now!" Steven grimaced. "I need to get us out of here before any more of it hits us!" He quickly located the nearest edge of the pond and managed to swerve the drone around more incoming streams of liquid that splashed down into the pool below. Once he was away from the surface of the pond and away from the dripping fluids, he turned the drone to get a better look at what was going on.

The group collectively gasped as the light hit the hanging structures behind them. There, protruding out of the sides of the giant hanging tentacle sacs, were hundreds of men's cocks and balls. They were all different sizes and ethnicities but each of them shared the common trait of being aggressively stroked by slippery, ribbed tentacles, while their hanging balls were sucked and teased by smaller tendrils. Lube-like slime messily sprayed into the air as the slick tentacles masturbated the throbbing shafts.

An almost constant rain of semen blasted from the tips of their twitching rods, while small vibrating feelers and brush-like tentacles roughly scoured each man's over sensitive glans. They were helpless to stop the torture, however, as other than their genitals, their entire bodies were completely enveloped in the writhing structure, rendering them completely immobile. The only other parts of them that were visible were their tongues hanging out of their barely exposed mouths that were constantly being pried open by tentacles like a ring gag. Low throaty moans and whimpers escaped their lips as they could do nothing but weakly twitch their cocks amidst the pleasure.

The overall effect of the squirting semen gave the entire structure the vague appearance of a showerhead, with the numerous ejaculating dicks delivering an endless stream of cum that dripped freely through the air in long, thick ropes and splashed down into what was now clearly a large collection bowl below each ceiling sac. There were dozens upon dozens of similar stalactite and stalagmite style pairings throughout the chamber, and each pool of cum was already overflowing, splashing down the sides of the mushroom-like structure and onto the ground below.

Except it wasn't just empty ground that the jizz was pouring down onto. The wet asses, tits, and pussies of countless women lined the floor around the bottoms of the structures in tight concentric circles. Their knees were all pulled back over their shoulders to fully expose their genitals and their limbs were all pinned in place inside of the fleshy ground. Many of them had greatly swollen stomachs that almost seemed on the brink of bursting, and it was clear why.

Semi-transparent appendages snaked out from the bottoms of the mushroom-like structures, each one delivering a constant flow of gallons upon gallons of cum from the depths of the pool at the top and directly into the numerous gaping holes below. The warm white liquid sloppily gushed out of every woman's pussy, pooled in their asshole, and then dripped to the ground where baby tentacles eagerly sucked it up.

Every so often, the tentacles milking and squeezing their breasts would grow another appendage that would plunge into the awaiting mouths of the men far above, filling their throats with the combined fluids of alien nectar and human milk coming straight from the source. The sheer volume of the liquid resulted in some of the men coughing up a good amount of the milk, causing it to pour out of their mouths and down into the collection pools below, mixing with the sloshing semen.

Much in the same vein, T-shaped tentacles would occasionally rise up and engulf some of the men's fountaining cocks, channeling their cum down into the open mouths of the women below, making them choke and gag on the torrent of thick spunk so that it would bubble out of their mouth and down the sides of their cheeks. Many of the women were blindfolded by tentacles, but several had their eyes wide open, able to lustfully watch everything going on around them... when they weren't rolled up into their heads in pleasure from each powerful thrust of the tentacles stuffing their overflowing cunts.

"Th-that's all cum!?" Adam choked out, unable to reign in his surprise after seeing the large pools and the veritable waterfalls drizzling down from almost every surface.

"LALALALA!" Zoey started loudly singing to herself, plugging her ears with her thumbs while still keeping her hands over her eyes.

"Zoey, please shut up; I can't concentrate with you freaking out!" Steven barked. His expression afterwards showed that his words had come out a bit harsher than he had intended. "S-sorry… I'm just pretty tense from seeing, well, all this…"

"S'okay…" Zoey mumbled. "I'll calm down… just… god can't this go any quicker?"

"I can't risk accidentally running into any of this… stuff…" Steven groaned, expertly piloting the drone away from yet another deluge of bodily fluids.

"I-I can't imagine what the purpose of this chamber is…" Sarah muttered. "It looks like it would just be for getting women pregnant with human babies…?"

"That is most likely the goal, yes," A'luhr replied matter-of-factly. "The Krinis will require that their livestock reproduce in order to maintain their numbers over time." Sarah was horrified at the thought, but realized it was the same as what humans did with their own livestock.

"Y-you can't mean they have children trapped in here!?" Zoey stammered in fear and disgust. "Babies even!?" It was true that they hadn't seen any kids anywhere in the streets nor in the tunnels, but they had always attempted to repress their warped worries as to where they might all be. Now, however, it could no longer be ignored.

"I believe that they have your young stored away somewhere safe," A'luhr replied calmly. "If you are worried about them having to undergo such an… ordeal… as the mature humans, I can offer some comfort. As I've said before, the Krinis's nectar, though potent, puts a considerable strain on the body. They have been observed to keep immature host species in incubator pods, keeping them in a deep sleep until their bodies have grown to a point where they can handle the nectar and be added to the nursery." A'luhr glanced at Zoey. "Judging from the pheromones your body gives off, I imagine that you would be about that age."

"Ex-excuse me!?" Zoey exclaimed, quickly smelling her arms and clothing for any offending odors. "I am NOT giving off pheromones… erm… well… actually that does make sense…" She sheepishly admitted.

"Is that what that smell is?" Steven jokingly wrinkled his nose. Zoey kicked the back of his chair, which made him jerk forward a bit, but he was clearly expecting this sort of reaction, as his control over the drone barely wavered. "Hey! Watch it! What if we fail to save the world all because you can't remember to shower?" He continued to tease.

"I do SO shower!" She grunted. "That's rich coming from you! Besides, pheromones aren't something you just wash away. I'm just surprised that A'luhr, a species not even from this planet, is able to sense those of a human. Even humans often don't recognize it!"

"Once my kind has been around others for a while, we find it easy to recognize their scents," A'luhr said, flourishing her eyebrows. "Each of you has a unique profile." The humans in the room all gave looks of mild disinterest, but then furtively checked their own smell when they thought no one was looking.

Showering wasn't a daily event these days, given the need to ration clean water, but they felt pretty confident that they were keeping clean the best they could. Unappealing odors had a tendency to hang in the stale air of the bunker, so they put considerable effort into hygiene.

"Hold on, something's happening…!" Adam alerted the rest. He pointed to a corner of the screen where a woman was being gently pulled out of the ground by tentacles. As she rose, her exhausted body hung limply in the air and her legs swayed back and forth. Now that the tentacle filling her had been removed, all of the juices that had been trapped inside of her suddenly ejected from her well-used slit in a torrent of white and orange slime, spattering loudly to the ground below.

The group watched as her stomach slowly began to shrink down to a regular size like a deflating balloon. Eventually, the gushing fluids became a lazy drizzle and her legs we pulled open with no resistance whatsoever. A tentacle rose from the floor and very slowly pressed up into her moist womanhood.

The woman's body gently shuddered as the tentacle inside of her did its work. Everyone watched wide-eyed as a small orb of faint, warm orange light began to leisurely flow through the tentacle, leaving the woman's trembling pussy and travelling down along the length of the appendage across the floor.

Soon after, the tentacle withdrew and the woman was returned to her original spot next to the others, her legs splayed apart up and over her head before being encased in the squishy ground once again. As tentacles began to refill her holes, Sarah and the rest of the group looked at each other in wonderment.

"Wh… what was that…?" Adam gasped breathlessly.

"I could be wrong…" Sarah said pensively. "But I think the tentacle may have just extracted the zygote from her womb…?"

"The what?" Steven asked.

"The fertilized egg." Sarah explained. "It must be moving it to those incubators that A'luhr mentioned… like a surrogate mother."

"So the women get pregnant but don't even give birth?" Adam replied, his brows raised.

"That seems to be the case, yes." A'luhr affirmed. "It likely allows for the most time-efficient breeding."

"I'd still be worried about all the mixed... fluids and stuff…" Zoey shuddered. "I can't imagine just how many STDs are being spread this way…"

"Esteedees?" A'luhr asked, tilting her head in a look of confusion.

"Diseases spread through contact with bodily fluids. They're not uncommon."

"Ah, I see. We eradicated those sorts of ailments centuries ago in our society." A'luhr gave a thoughtful look. "But now that I think back, it did seem that other maladies were not shared amongst the captives. In fact, many of them seemed to be in perfect health, even more so than before being captured. How curious."

"Are you saying that the Krinis somehow have the ability to… to cure diseases?" Sarah stammered, her mouth agape.

"It would not come as a shock to me." A'luhr gave a sort of shrugging motion with her eyebrows. "They have been shown to be able to dramatically alter body chemistry, so it would stand to reason that they can adjust their livestock's biology in other ways to promote a healthy breeding pool."

"We… we can't just destroy them!" Sarah cried, standing from her seat. "Th-think of all the medical advancements we could attain by studying these creatures! Isn't there any way that we can capture the queen instead of killing her… or… or something!?" A'luhr sadly shook her head.

"I do not see any way that we could safely do such a thing," A'luhr replied with a look of surprise on her face. "I suppose using one of the impulse detonators directly on the queen herself could cause the entire nest to lose connection to her at the same time… but I have no idea what the consequences of such an event would be." She idly rubbed the last, small silver sphere attached to her hip.

"There are things more important than scientific advancements at stake here." Adam chided.

"Says the guy who freaked out when he heard an alien space ship had sunk into the ocean." Sarah retorted.

"Yeah, well, at least the ship isn't trying to take over the entire planet - and winning so far - mind you."

"Tsk…" Sarah clicked her tongue. She knew it was foolish to try and safely study the creatures while also eliminating their grip on the Earth. She knew that. But still, it was hard to shake her own burning curiosity and the mild, creeping thought that she wanted to protect the queen.

"See, Sarah wants to save the Earth but also keep the Krinis around so we can learn from them." Steven said, turning to A'luhr. "She wants to have her cake and eat it too. Get it?"

"Ah...!" A'luhr gave a knowing gesture as the light of realization sparked in her eyes.

"Alright alright, I get it." Sarah sighed and shrugged. "Let's get this over with before I realize again how much of a waste it is to have to kill these things."

"But necessary… right?" Adam probed.

"Right." Sarah nodded, still looking a little disappointed.

"The incubators would most likely be near the queen herself for safekeeping," A'luhr said. "If we follow that egg, it may lead us directly to the queen's chamber."

"Ohh! Good idea!" Steven agreed. "Let's go!" He maneuvered the drone along the floor as he followed after the moving orange glow. Soon, more orbs of light began to flow through the ground as well in the same direction, as other women were regularly being pulled from their restraints to go through the same unnerving "birthing" process.

The flow of tentacles lead down a narrow tunnel in the wall and away from the mass semen-collecting chamber. The drone was barely able to fit through the hole without bumping into the pulsating walls. Even though nothing had shown any aggression towards the drone so far, there was no telling what would happen if one of the sharp, whirring propellers were to slice into a wayward tentacle.

"It's just like playing 'Operation'." Steven said with a smug look.

"You always sucked at that game…" Zoey groaned.

"I was just letting my little baby stepsister win." He shrugged. "Behold my skills." He continued to deftly navigate down the ever-narrowing passage, grazing past a few hanging tentacles but never coming into contact with them.

"I'll admit that I'm impressed," Zoey said, crossing her arms.

"See? Your bro's more than just a handsome fa-"

An ear-splitting screech erupted from the monitors almost as soon as the drone exited the tunnel and into the next clearing. Suddenly, several tentacles lashed out towards the loudly hovering machine.

"Ngh!" Steven tensed up as he leaned forward over the controls to concentrate. He swerved and ducked past most of the assailing tendrils but one of them struck the underside and sent it spiraling through the air.

"This must be the deepest part of the nest!" A'luhr exclaimed. "They will attack anything foreign that makes a noise! You must quiet the device!"

"Trying not to crash at the moment!" Steven grunted, desperately mashing at the interface. "There!" He regained control at the last minute and dived into an alcove along the wall, quickly setting the drone down and killing the motors. Nobody made a noise for several minutes, as if concerned that the creatures would be able to hear them all the way from the bunker if they did.

"Did… did we get away…?" Zoey quietly asked, breaking the silence.

"I… I think so... " Steven panted. "But FUCK me that was close. How are we going to keep going if we can't even move without being attacked?"

"I can certainly see WHY they were attacking the drone…" Sarah murmured, not answering Steven's pressing question. "This is… definitely an incubation chamber."

From where the drone was hidden, they could see a great deal of the well-lit cavern they were in. Like the other areas of the nest, all the surfaces were covered in slimy ichor and weaved-together tentacles. However, everything was pulsating much more frequently and rivers of fluids flowed through the tentacles in all directions. It was like being inside of a gigantic beating heart.

Lining the far walls of the chamber were countless women. Their breasts were enormous and being squeezed for milk by several tentacles each, but even larger still were their stomachs, which were grossly distended and showed the clear shapes of individual round bulges under the skin. Thick transparent tentacles were nestled into the women's dripping mounds, slowly pushing what appeared to be large, squishy orange spheres deep into their full wombs.

"Ovipositors!" Zoey excitedly cried out, and then madly blushed as everyone turned to look at her in surprise. She covered her red face with her hood and incoherently mumbled something about the internet, slightly turning away from the staring faces.

"The Krinis are implanting the women with their own alien eggs…?" Adam slowly asked in horror, focusing back on the monitors.

"Why are they doing that…?" Sarah pondered. "I thought they simply filled a woman's womb with their own seed and some sort of biological process occurred to grow the alien cells into those little tentacles while inside the body…? So why eggs all of a sudden?"

"This I do not know…" A'luhr hesitantly replied. "Perhaps this is another part of the birthing process for their kind? Maybe it has a higher fertility rate? There will always be some things we do not fully understand about their behavior."

Some of the pregnant women began to writhe and twitch in their restraints as orange fluid suddenly gushed out of their vaginas. The egg-filled tentacles quickly retracted and allowed the contents of their wombs to freely flow out onto the floor. Dozens of wiggling tentacles squeezed out of each spasming hole, several times larger than the ones they had seen being birthed elsewhere in the nest.

A few smaller tentacles wormed their way out as well and slithered up to the women's erect clits to begin suckling on them. The tentacles milking their breasts moved away to allow even more of the newly birthed tentacles to wind their way up to the women's ample tits and directly nurse on their leaking nipples. The bound women shivered and moaned in response.

The egg-filled tentacles nudged some of the straggling newborns out of the dripping pussies so that they could re-enter the holes and begin the impregnation process all over again, sliding more of the jelly-like orbs up into the women's awaiting wombs. The group watched this process in a sort of trance, unable to tear their eyes away from the strangely erotic sight.

"Uh… guys…?" Steven said in a hoarse voice, finally finding the will to regain control of the drone. "Wh-what is that…?" He had moved the camera to follow the rapidly flowing liquids within the tentacles to where they seemed to be congregating. Something enormous came into view as the camera focused on the spot.

"The queen…" A'luhr whispered, a hint of wonder and reluctant respect in her voice.