Hail to the Queen

A gigantic tree-like structure stood in the center of the chamber. Innumerable tentacles weaved in and out of it like tree branches and a mesmerizing orange glow glittered from the ceiling above it as the fluids and human zygotes all seemed to be ingested into its mighty form.

In the center of the "tree" was a large, pulsating heart-like organ, with a vaguely humanoid shape entwined within. Several huge sacs of collected fluid ballooned out from the queen's roots, jiggling and heaving as if alive. It was a Lovecraftian monstrosity that was equally beautiful as it was horrific to behold.

"Th-THAT'S the queen!?" Steven gasped. "I was hoping for something a bit… sexier…"

"In her youth, she is the only bipedal Krinis and does look a bit like ourselves," A'luhr replied. "She always has command over the entire hive regardless of her form."

"Bipedal?" Adam laughed. "That looks more like a tree!"

"This queen is fully grown. Once she has integrated with her new host planet, she evolves into the final form that you see here after taking in enough harvested nutrients," A'luhr explained in a tired voice. "She grows to become immobile but now able to support her entire nest of sons, while her unborn daughter gestates inside. I imagine the eggs we are seeing also are coming from her as well."

"She's beautiful…" Sarah said in a daze, gently touching the screen as she gazed at the ethereal sight.

"She's not really my type." Steven shrugged.

"Will our tiny little firework even tickle that giant thing?" Zoey groaned.

"There's only one way to find out," Adam replied. "Steven, you're gonna' have to make a break for it and take the first clear shot you get before you're attacked again."

"Umm… we might need to reconsider this plan a little…" Sarah said, being the closest to the monitors and now peering intently into them.

"God, for the last time, Sarah, we HAVE to kill them!" Adam yelled, irritation clearly evident in his voice.

"Yeah that's all fine," Sarah replied. "But what if we accidentally kill THEM?"

"What are you…?" Adam's voice trailed off as he approached the screen. His face paled as he saw what was on them.

"A'luhr was right… this is where they are keeping the children…" Sarah whispered.

Surrounding the queen were hundreds of pillars that had large, opaque, glowing pods growing all along the sides like warts. The group had thought nothing of these at first as they didn't seem to be doing much, but as they watched, one of the pods suddenly stopped glowing and the film surrounding it suddenly tore away like an egg hatching, causing a rush of orange liquid to spill out and down the sides of the pillar. A tentacle gingerly reached into the now open pod and pulled a naked teenage boy, completely drenched in the slime, out and into the air.

As the slime continued to slowly slide off of his body, the boy's eyes cracked open and hazily looked around in an unaware manner. Suddenly another pod further down the chamber erupted in the same way, and this time a girl was pulled from within. Judging by the proportions of their bodies, Sarah pegged them to be around eighteen or nineteen years old. As the tentacles began to bring the dripping young bodies towards the queen, A'luhr spoke up.

"They incubate the youth in these wombs, it seems." She stood to get a better view of the screens alongside Adam and Sarah. "It appears that they have been submerged in some weaker form of nectar, though their bodies themselves are untouched. I can only imagine that their minds succumbed to the will of the Krinis long ago…"

The looks on the teens' faces certainly seemed to confirm this. Instead of struggling or showing signs of fear, they simply smiled at one another with calm faces and distant eyes. Suddenly, tentacles wormed their way out of the base of the queen's roots and began to entwine themselves around the freshly "birthed" nubile bodies.

The two teens didn't flinch as a needle delicately entered their necks, but their genitals certainly had a reaction. The boy's five-inch long erection rose to attention and the girl's nipples visibly hardened as a thin trail of wetness began to visibly run down her legs. More tentacles emerged from the queen and began to gently work the teens towards orgasm.

The boy's rigid nail was completely swallowed up by an appendage and rapidly stroked by an inner sleeve while dexterous exploring tendrils gently massaged his balls. Inside the stroking sleeve, several vibrating feelers could be seen circling under the base of his cockhead and winding their way up to cover every centimeter of it. They spun around the spongy tip of his penis, making sure to powerfully stimulate as much of the sensitive bulb as possible.

More of the small tentacles began to flick at his nipples and caress his neck and ears, causing him to involuntarily shudder. Another tongue-shape tentacle with warts on it slid back and forth along his tight backdoor, covering it with slime, before pushing up into it.

Soon, the tentacles got their desired effect. The boy grunted in satisfaction as his body spasmed and began to shoot his first mature load deep into the tentacle throat. His semen was sucked directly into the pulsating heart of the queen, which seemed to grow slightly brighter afterwards.

Meanwhile, the girl was also receiving the first climax of her new life. Suckers had attached to her relatively flat chest and were teasing and pulling on her rigid nipples, eliciting moans and squeals from her gaping mouth.

A thick tentacle slid up between her legs, but instead of plunging inside as Sarah had come to expect, she was surprised to see the top of the appendage instead blossom into what looked like a transparent cup. It pressed against the tender lips of her vagina, completely encasing the supple mound.

A gentle sucking motion began to occur as her vulva began to swell inside of the small chamber while the delicate lips of her labia became more exposed. Small feelers on the inside of the cup got to work peeling back her clitoral hood and allowing her stiff nub to get sucked on as well, pulling it taut.

Vibrating feelers began to caress her clit, gently squeezing and tugging on it while more of them began to slip into her dripping slit. Eventually, so many of the vibrating tentacles were stuffed into her twitching pussy that they equaled the girth of a full-grown man's shaft, if not larger. They began to thrust back and forth, dancing along her moist petals each time they moved by, twisting and writhing inside.

She, too, easily came like her male companion. Though her small tits didn't yet seem to yield much milk, the cone between her legs rapidly filled with her squirting juices as her hips bucked and thrashed from the earth-shattering orgasm she was enduring. Like the boy's cum before, her vaginal fluids were sucked away into the queen and visibly added to the creature's energy.

The two teens were gently lowered from the air, still coming down from the high of their first of many future orgasms. Content smiles graced their lips and their eyes sparkled happily in the glimmering light.

Hollow, tube-like appendages grew up from the ground and swallowed the two of them from feet to head. The outlines of their bodies were visible in the tight confines of the large tentacles as they began to quickly slide away from view and off to other parts of the nest.

"What was that all about…?" Sarah asked, hoping A'luhr would have some kind of answer.

"I… am not sure," A'luhr slowly responded. "I can make a guess, however. I imagine that the fluids extracted from the freshly matured youth are particularly potent, so the queen feeds directly from them to maximize their nutritional effects."

"That would make sense…" Sarah sighed. "What are we going to do, though? If we set off that firework, it might hit some of these pods or the teens hanging in the air…! And now that I think about it, what about all the other people suspended by tentacles? Once the queen dies, all of the Krinis will also die, right? So won't they drop people to their deaths!?"

"Th-that's a good point…!" Zoey cried. "I didn't even think about that!"

"I doubt that would happen," A'luhr assured them. "The tentacles won't necessarily lose all strength and wither away, they will simply become immobile as they no longer have commands to follow. The nectar would stop flowing shortly after and we could begin to safely extract the captives without worrying about being attacked."

"And… and then we could study the remains!?" Sarah squealed. "Why didn't you say so before!? Let's kill that bitch!"

"But what about the nearby pods!?" Steven reminded her. "How do we avoid those?"

"We might just have to get lucky…" Adam solemnly replied. "And get as close as possible before firing."

"I… I guess…" Steven's seemingly bottomless confidence from earlier was nowhere to be seen. "I just don't want to be responsible for getting anyone else hurt…" He looked away. Sarah wondered if he blamed himself for what had happened to his parents and Diana. It seemed there might have been more going on in his head all this time than she had realized.

"You got this." Zoey smiled, ruffling her stepbrother's blonde hair. "If there's anyone who is a master of shooting his load to women out of his league, it's you!"

"H-hey!" He yelled, but the laugh escaping his lips indicated that his stepsister's teasing had hyped him up some. "Ok, yeah. I just need to make a beeline for it and fire away at the last possible second. This is standard fare for a pro-gamer like myself." He shrugged with a grin.

He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans, licked his dry lips, and leaned forward towards the screens. His hands showed no hesitation as they alighted on the controls and slowly brought the drone back to life.

The tentacles that had been targeting the drone earlier had stopped investigating the area and had returned to idly slithering along the walls. Steven took a few more quick breaths to pump himself up and then gunned the drone towards the pulsating center of the queen's giant body.

"That's a weak point if I ever saw one!" Steven shouted as he prepared to launch the firework. He pressed a button and a simple targeting display appeared on the controller's screen. It was little more than some graphics overlaid on the image, but it was better than nothing.

As the drone loudly whizzed by the incubation pillars, tentacles began to swiftly lash out in an attempt to strike it down. The drone dodged and spun through the air in an intricate dance. While it succeeded in avoiding the attacks, it also made it extremely difficult to aim the rocket.

"C'mon… c'mon… almost thereeee…" Steven muttered to himself, a few beads of sweat starting to drip down his forehead. A tentacle suddenly latched onto one of the propeller arms and caused the drone to be yanked backwards. Steven slammed on the joystick and made the drone rapidly spin in place. The tentacle seemed caught off-guard by this motion and stretched a bit with the force of the pull, allowing the other propeller arms to circle into it and cleanly slice through the tendril, freeing the drone.

The tentacle immediately started to regenerate, but the drone was already zooming away, now only a few dozen yards away from the target. A blanket of darkness suddenly washed over the drone as countless tentacles filled the air above, blocking out the shimmering glow from the ceiling. They dived down at the drone like spears of flesh, creating an intricate web that the drone couldn't hope to pass through.

"FUCK!" Steven yelled, scrambling to begin evasive maneuvers, but it was clear that it was a lost cause.

"You just gonna' have to do it now!" Adam yelled. "A few people getting injured is a small price to pay for saving the world!"

"I get it!" Steven roared back. "In case you haven't noticed though, I'm doing my best just to fly straight here!"

The wave of tentacles began to close in around the drone. The view of the queen was almost completely obstructed by the writhing mass headed their way. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration washed over Steven's face and the drone headed full speed towards a small opening in the tentacle net.

"What are you doing!?" Shrieked Zoey. "That's not gonna' fit! Turn around!"

"I know what I'm doing!" Steven yelled. "Come ONNNNN!" He hollered madly as the drone barreled towards the small gap. Then, just as it seemed like the drone's wide propeller arms were about to smash into the tentacles around the opening, he pressed a button and the arms all folded over the top of the drone like a camera's aperture.

The reduced radius of the drone allowed it to coast through the opening, but the propellers were no longer spinning, causing the drone to free fall towards the ground. The tentacles quickly reversed their course as Steven slammed his finger down on the controller to bring the drone's propellers back online.

He spun the drone eighteen0 degrees and finally got a clear, unobstructed view of the queen's core, only ten or so yards away.

"NOW!" Everyone yelled at Steven.

"Obviously!" He grunted, and he triggered the firework.

The fuse took two seconds to ignite. Just as the firework was about to eject out of the payload, several tentacles rammed into the drone from all directions. The rocket fired off but the camera veered away as the drone was sent crashing into the ground below. Through the gaps in the web of tentacles covering the camera, they could see bright bursts of color and hear the iconic explosion of fireworks off screen. The last thing that the drone's microphone picked up before the feed cut to black was the sound of a pained screech reverberating through the queen's chamber.

The group sat there quietly, staring at the dark monitors. Steven's hands were madly shaking while still holding down the buttons on the controller.

"Did… did it work…?" Zoey's small voice boomed in the silence.

"Let's find out!" Adam said excitedly, shaking off the tension that had gripped the room. He flipped a switch on the terminal and the security camera feeds populated the monitors.

Sure enough, the screens showed dozens of tentacle drones stalking the streets and then suddenly coming to a stop mid stride, remaining motionless as the human captives seemed to hazily look about in confusion.

"Yes!" Sarah pumped her fist happily. "Steven, you crazy bastard, you did it!" She went in for a high five with him as he jumped to his feet in celebration. Zoey ran over and hugged him while Adam laughed and patted him on the back. Finally, a wave of relief washed over the group.

"Something… is not right." A'luhr hesitantly interjected. "Look there…" She pointed to one of the monitors where one of the drones was slowly starting to twitch. They watched in despair as soon more and more drones began to jerk back to life, continuing on as if nothing had happened and sending the entrapped humans back into an orgasm-induced stupor.

"Wh-what happened!? It looked like it worked! Fuck!" Steven yelled angrily, slamming his hand on the terminal.

"It seemed like the queen was indeed destroyed based on that reaction," A'luhr slowly spoke in a puzzled tone. "There is no other way that the Krinis could continue to operate in unison like this. Unless…"

"D-Diana?" Zoey suddenly said from behind them.

They all turned around to see a naked Diana and Arlo standing in the doorway.

"Diana! Arlo! You woke up!" Zoey started to run towards them, uncaring about their nudity, but came to a fumbling stop halfway there. "Are you… feeling okay?" She cautiously asked, having seen the empty, yet stern, looks on both of their faces.

"You shouldn't have done that." Diana spoke in a cold voice. "We wanted to welcome you… but you would even kill your own mother?"

"Wh-what are you saying, Di…?" Zoey cried out, tears starting to form in her eyes. "You're scaring me…"

"Zoey get back!" Sarah yelled, grabbing the girl by the arm as Diana suddenly reached down between her legs. With an emotionless face, she stuck her fingers up into her dripping vagina and pulled an eggplant-sized tentacle out from within, holding it up into the air above her head.

A'luhr's eyes seemed to light up with realization and she jumped to her feet.

"We have to leave. NOW!" She yelled barreling towards the two naked teenagers as the tentacle in Diana's hands suddenly writhed and let out a high pitched shriek that pierced through the air and echoed loudly through the bunker, reverberating deep into the surrounding earth.

A'luhr forcefully knocked the two of them down and away from the door as she ran out into the hall. Arlo attempted to grab at her, but she easily overpowered the fit teen boy and pushed him away.

"HURRY!" She roared. The rest of the group stood nonplussed for a moment before the reality of the situation started to seep in and their feet began to move to follow A'luhr, still in a bit of shock.

Suddenly, the entire bunker began to violently shake, knocking them to the floor. BANG! BANG! Loud ramming thuds from outside the walls of the underground shelter began to ring out and deafen the group as they attempted to regain their footing.

"What the fuck is going on!?" Adam yelled after A'luhr who was already nearing the exit hatch.

"The girl must have had a newborn Krinis inside of her this whole time!" A'luhr shouted back. "It is signaling to the rest of the nest; they know we are here!"

"Shit!" Steven cried out as a thick tentacle suddenly ripped through the steel wall next to him, narrowly missing his head. Everyone started to duck and weave along the hallways towards the exit as more and more of the appendages began to break through into their precious sanctuary.

The group all crowded into the exit hallway as Adam hit the switch to open the hatch. Further back in the bunker, they could hear Diana and Arlo excitedly welcoming the Krinis into the shelter, laughing gleefully as the tentacles reclaimed their horny bodies.

"No!" Sarah screamed out from the back of the group. A tentacle had wrapped around her thigh and yanked her flailing body back down the hall.

"SARAH!" Adam cried out, pushing past the others and rushing down the hall after her.

"ADAM!" She shrieked. "Help me!" She attempted to grab onto furniture as the tentacle dragged her away, but its strong pull made her lose her grip every time. Adam dashed into the living room and grabbed the sword off the wall.

"GRAAHHH!!" With a mad howl, he swung the decorative blade down at the tentacle holding Sarah's leg. It simply bounced off and went flying from his hand as another tentacle shot out and wrapped around his outstretched arm. "FUCK!" he roared, attempting to wrench his arm away.

It looked like all was lost as Sarah got reeled in closer and closer to the main mass of tentacles bleeding into the bunker. Some small tendrils had already begun to reach her and slither up the legs of her sweatpants.

Suddenly, the smell of ozone wafted through the air and A'luhr leapt out of the hall, wielding a lit sparkler in either hand. She swung them down at the tentacles like daggers, easily cleaving through their flesh like a hot knife through butter. The seared ends of the tentacles bubbled painfully and turned to ash as she continued to hack away at the intruders until the two professors were freed from their assailants.

The sparklers suddenly fizzled out.

"These do not last as long as I had hoped." A'luhr remarked. "Now I see why they are just toys." She grabbed the two humans and practically threw them to their feet. "RUN!" She struck another unused sparkler against her dagger and waved it in front of her, keeping the tentacles at bay while she backed up towards the exit.

Steven and Zoey scrambled up the ladder first, followed by Sarah, and then Adam right behind her. A'luhr threw down the dying sparkler and jumped for the ladder, acrobatically vaulting up the rungs as tentacles crashed into the floor beneath her. She rocketed up through the hatchway and Adam quickly slammed it shut behind her, the metallic sounds of several tentacles colliding with the door immediately rang out from the other side.

"Go go go!" Steven yelled as they ran down the street, heading to anywhere other than where they were. They sprinted past several Krinis drones that still seemed to be immobile, though the humans inside of them were gyrating in an attempt to grind their genitals against the squishy tentacles in a desperate attempt to seek stimulation.

"It looks like the new queen's control has not yet extended this far!" A'luhr yelled to the rest of the group. "We may still find a new place to hide before they come back to life!"

"The NEW queen!?" Sarah exclaimed.

"Yes, I fear we were a little too late… the newborn queen must have hatched and assumed control of the hive in the absence of her mother! We will consider a new plan once we are safe. For now, we must evade capture."

"The queen is dead, long live the queen." Steven ruefully groaned as they raced down the sidewalk looking for a safe place to lay low.

Deep underground in the queen's chamber, a sudden movement agitated the smoke swirling in the air. A humanoid figure emerged from a pile of slime and ashes and picked up the wrecked frame of Steven's drone, staring down at it. The creature let out an ear-splitting shriek that drowned out the moans of pleasure filling the tunnels, and all of the tentacles in the area sprang back to life, ready to resume their lewd work and hunt for more prey. The new queen had five particular individuals in mind.