A Second With Dumbledore

The following morning I am awoken by a pillow pelting me in the face over and over.

Having instantly woken up I reach out and grab the pillow without looking at who it is. With an annoyed grunt, I yank the pillow hard. I hear a girl yelp as someone falls on my lower body.

"Ow," I rub my side in pain as the person fell on my hip. I open my eyes to see Hermione has fallen on top of me. Her elbow had gone into my side when she tried to soften her fall. She looks up at me like a scared rabbit as she pushes off of me to stand back up.

"Sorry," she mutters with a scarlet red face.

I roll over and sit up "It's fine why are you in the boy's dorms… and why so early?"

She seems to remember her original purpose as anger lights up her eyes. "Is it true you broke one of Quirrell and Snape's legs?"

I am a bit flustered by her gaze and pull back a bit "Yes?" I tentatively admit.

She smacks the top of my head like a misbehaved dog "What were you thinking?! If someone saw you, you would have been expelled. And don't you think breaking their legs was a bit, you know, EXCESSIVE?"

I laugh while rubbing my head where she hit it "It's fine, Dumbledore wouldn't expel me for protecting Harry. And a broken leg is a small price for hurting someone I call a friend."

Hermione shakes her head while holding the bridge of her nose. "Whatever will I do with you."

I sit there in silence as she looks like she is thinking. I honestly don't care how upset she gets. Although it does feel a bit good knowing my friend is upset for my sake.

"Okay, I'll forgive you this time, but do try not to do anything that will get you... or I expelled again… please?" She finally speaks up with a pleading tone.

I give a thumbs up "Well thanks, I guess" I try and shrug it off with a smile.

During our conversation, it seems Ron heard us because he sits up slowly obviously still dead tired. He looks at Hermione who is standing next to my bed then at me and back again. A wide grin slowly begins to form on Ron's face.

His smile seems to say 'I know what's going on."

He gives me a thumbs up "Nice." He slurs the word a bit still half asleep.

"Ugh" Hermione throws the pillow at Ron hitting him dead in the face knocking him back into his bed. She stalks away with a blushed face and a huff. She had just left while leaving me awake 2 hours before breakfast even starts. What to do now? Sleep obviously.


After breakfast, I talk to McGonagall and get a meeting set with Dumbledore. As I make my way to Dumbledore's office behind McGonagall I am thinking about what I should say. Or rather how much I should mention, as I would like to see Dumbledore's past, but I have a feeling he would be too hard to read without permission.

McGonagall walks up to the gargoyle "Password"

"Lemondrop Soup." As McGonagall speaks the gargoyle just like last time slides and moves out of the way revealing the entrance. She looks back at me and gives me a gesture to stay then walks in. As her figure disappears the gargoyle closes behind her.

'I wonder what they talk about when so goes in like that?' I wonder as I lean against the stone wall.

Barely even a full minute passes before she walks out "Alright, the headmaster will see you now." She says with a courteous nod of her head.

I give her a nod as a reply and walk in just like last time. As I walk in the room is exactly the same as it used to be except this time the Pheonix looks older, like an entire lifetime has passed. Dumbledore is sitting at his desk with a large book in front of him and a crystal ball on the edge of his desk.

Dumbledore smiles as he sees me and gestures for me to sit at the chair across from him.

"So Mr. Black what is it you came for today?" He asks with his usual half-smile.

I take a moment to build suspense like a movie before I speak "I wanted to talk about the Philosophers stone.." I say my words slowly to let the shock set in.

He looks very surprised for a moment but quickly returns to normal as if he heard nothing. "I see, so you know about that do you?"

I give a chuckle "Hagrid isn't the best keeper of secrets." Thinking back at Hagrid's slip I laugh a bit more.

Dumbledore rubs his temples "And what is it you would like to inquire about it?"

"This is not an inquiry just wanted to tell you Harry, Ron, and Hermione are all convinced that Snape is trying to steal it," I say plainly.

"Oh, and what do you think?" he curiously asks

"Personally? I think it is Quirrell. I refuse to believe someone who was so dead set on getting stronger got traumatized by some Vampires. Not only that, isn't he just like, SUPER SUSPICIOUS ALL THE TIME?" I lean forward to emphasize my words before falling back in my chain and giving a shrug.

He gives me an odd grin before he lets out a hearty laugh "Don't worry Mr. Black even if one of the teachers is trying to steal it, no such thing could happen while I walk these grounds."

I nod in agreement, no one would dare steal from the home of the most powerful wizard in the world while he was STILL IN THE HOME. Not even Voldemort would be stupid enough to try it. It's practically suicide.

"One thing I have to confirm with you, Mr. Black. The ministry is asking how you got those memories from your father."

"The Black Family Pensieve had the phials on record. Our phial rack is enchanted to retrieve the owner's memories upon death. Fathers were still intact since he was never officially disowned from the family, only struck from the tree."

I had this excuse pre-planned, the Black family Phials were indeed real but they destroyed Sirius's when he left the house. I'm guessing they didn't care when he died. Also, I'm not sure if they took memories upon death, I just know they are enchanted.

"That is what I assumed was the case, but it is better that I hear it from your own mouth. You are free to leave Mr. Black." He sounds rather dismissive as if I didn't really need a good reason anyway.

As I'm about to leave I look at his desk and notice the book he is reading is "Divination and Its Practicality".

"Studying divination, headmaster?" taking a chance I ask

He gives a nod "Indeed, I am studying whether or not it is practical to follow a prophecy or if it is just hot air." He gestures his hand at the crystal ball.

"I was actually born with the talent of divination, rather I can see someone's past. I don't get to see what I want but it is a useful talent nonetheless. Would you mind if I took a peek into your past?" My heart is beating a bit fast, I don't wanna accidentally make him angry. But this would be a great opportunity.

He laughs a bit "Oh, a Seer? Why would you want to look at my past, there are thousands of books written about my successes... and my failures." he speaks a bit self mockingly.

"I would like to see it first hand, a piece of the life of the most powerful wizard alive." I insist still a bit nervous.

He scratches his long beard "I thank you for the interest..." He pauses for a moment as he thinks, "Fine as long as you do not go digging." He gives me a smirk at his words.

I give a nod with a gulp. "Just stick out your hand." he does as I say. I hold out my hand for him to grab, he understands and takes my hand while staring straight into his third eye.

My consciousness feels memories flooding it and unlike Harry or Auntie Dromeda, there is massive pressure on me as I make contact with his soul. I feel like a slave standing before a king, the weight is terrifying.