Burden of an Old Soul

Unlike my initial plan I'm not able to look around his memories or traumas I could only watch what was set in front of me. It was a heavy memory... maybe the most painful memory I have ever seen so far. Or at least the one that has impacted me the most.


*Memory of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore*

Inside an old villa-style house sat a fireplace with two rocking chairs resting a few feet away from each other. On one chair there was a young man with dark brown hair and a handsome face. He was holding a scarf only halfway done, he was currently knitting it. It was easy to tell he wasn't proficient as his weave wasn't tightly packed and it was a bit misshapen.

On the other chair was a beautiful young girl who only looked to be around 12, she too was knitting. She was nearly through making a pair of socks, they were grey, woven out of fluffy wool. These two were Albus and his younger sister Ariana Dumbledore.

"Thank you for learning knitting big brother," Ariana said with a meek voice. She only mutters her words as she keeps her head down.

A small smile graced Albus's lips, not looking up from the half-complete scarf "Don't think much of it, I enjoy spending my time with you."

Ariana flinches at his words "I know that's not true brother, I know you would rather be at Hogwarts right now, learning more about magic." She had tears threatening to fall.

Albus put down the scarf and rested his hand on her shoulder. "Don't say that Ariana, I will always find time for you, even if I become the busiest person in the world." Despite the words he spoke he knew she was right. He would much prefer to be at Hogwart, but he would NEVER let his sister know.

"I wish I was normal, then I could join you at Hogwarts. I wouldn't be locked in this house like a caged bird… Brother, what's wrong with me?" She was balling at this point, tears falling onto the freshly knitted pair of socks.

Albus got up and hugged his sister as she cried and spoke softly "Nothing is wrong with you Ariana, you are perfect. I promise you, I will find a way to make you better... then you can leave this house and go anywhere you please." He spoke his words solemnly, meaning every single word he spoke.

She wrapped her arms around his neck "Thank you big brother"

After crying for a minute or two they separated from their hug and Ariana held out the socks in front of herself. She gave a genuine smile that, to Albus, made her the prettiest little sister in existence.

"Here I finished them, sorry I haven't learned anything better than socks yet." She looked pitiful, her eyes were puffy red while she was holding out the socks like a frightened rabbit. Afraid that her brother wouldn't like her simple gift.

Albus took the socks and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead "Socks are the best gift you could give me, make sure to make some more." Albus has a wide smile on his face but hidden behind it was the sadness he felt for his sister.

Deep inside he felt utter resentment. Not for his sister, but for himself. Why did he feel this way? Why did he feel that his sister was such a burden? Why couldn't he be the brother she deserved? Why was he so awful?

He was one of the most talented students to go through Hogwarts in hundreds of years, no, THE MOST talented; and yet there was nothing he could do to help his sister. With all the talent in the world, he still couldn't save her with his own hands. The worst part was he couldn't even seek help for his sister's strife since it would only make it worse.


*Soren's POV*

The warmth I felt from this memory pushed aside the prejudice I had previously about Dumbledore. The care he held for his sister felt more real than anything I had thought possible from only a memory. Had I not been fully conscious in the memory I may have been swept up in the memory by the sheer passion.

The self-loathing he felt that day is something I felt a lot inside the darkness. My inability to protect Little Black, my inability to save myself... the weakness.

But no matter how warm it was, the memory just dripped with sadness to me, it was as if he is trying not to let himself be happy with the memories of his sister. It feels as though he wants to punish himself with her memory…

The sheer strength of his soul mixed with how powerful his feelings are making me feel threatened. If the most powerful wizard in the world can only feel like this, then what are my chances to achieve true happiness?

I have to be stronger.


*Memory of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore*

In the field behind the Dumbledore household.

Three people are standing in a circle. One was Albus he looked to be around 19 at this time. Then there was Aberforth, Albus's brother whom he often would argue with. Lastly was a handsome young man with dirty blonde hair, Gellert Grindelwald... Albus's first and only love.

"You stay away from my brother! Filling his head with your delusions of conquering the muggle-born… you disgust me." Aberforth spat his words toward Grindelwald.

"You are nothing more than a boy who lives in his older brother's shadow. Maybe it is jealousy that drives you? Upset that I stole your big brother from you?" Grindelwald had a smug grin as he spoke.

Aberforth grit his teeth "You are just manipulating my brother, you know you are not powerful enough to achieve your dreams yourself. You may be talented, but next to my brother you are nothing but a half-baked wizard... and a poor excuse for a man."

Albus doesn't want to get involved, the man he held deep feelings for on one side and his younger brother on the other. Taking a side would only serve to escalate the situation. They both held valid points, and with Grindelwald's plans, he would be able to save Ariana. A world where she doesn't have to live in fear.

Grindelwald laughed a bit "And so what if I am manipulating him? How would that have anything to do with you? You will always just be an ant standing on the shoulder of a Giant. Pathetic."

Aberforth turned to Albus "Are you fine with this?! Do you really think Conquering the Muggle-born will just instantly fix all the problems in the wizarding world?!"

Albus hardened himself and spoke up. "I don't know, but I can make a better world for Ariana… I know that." Aberforth was taken aback by this answer and Grindelwald laughed at it.

"YOU DARE BRING ARIANA INTO THIS?!" Aberforths shock quickly turned to anger.

"So that's why you are here? To get in our way?" Grindelwald spoke as he pulled out his wand.

Aberforth backed up a bit and pulled out his wand as well. "Yes, it is… I will not let you commit atrocities in the name of our baby sister."

Dumbledore backed away as well pulling out his wand "Stop this, it can be solved without violence."

Grindelwald just smiles and fires a spell at Aberforth.

Aberforth deflects it and a small explosion happens in the direction he deflected.

They begin firing spells back and forth causing explosions all around Albus didn't join in since he didn't want to injure either of them. Grindelwald was at an obvious advantage the whole time, he was simply a better wizard, not to mention older.

As Albus was tempted to help his brother he noticed, Grindelwald's wand started glowing green, he was using the killing curse.

"STOP!" Albus yelled as he sent a garden gnome between blocking the spell and saving Aberforth's life.

Having been saved by his brother Aberforth gritted his teeth "Don't pretend to be so self-righteous."

Albus sighed as he started flinging spells as well, at first he was sending out stupify but he realized both Aberforth and Grindelwald were only using the killing curse. Influenced by his anger he started using it as well.

The Killing curses began deflecting off of each other as each one tried their best to avoid the green beams of light. Blinding flashes of light struck the ground around them as the fight became messy.

"Stop fighting!" Ariana's voice cut through the noise of the fight.

No-one stopped flinging spells but Albus who turned his head "Ariana go back in the house!"

"No! I will help you," She said as a heavy black smog substance started erupting from her body.

Albus flung one last spell at Grindelwald as he turned to Ariana to try and calm her down.

As he turned he saw a spell had been deflected by Grindelwald and hit Ariana before she could transform.

She fell to the grass lifeless, the black substance coming from her body vanished as if it never existed.

""NO!"" Aberforth and Albus both yelled at the same time running over to her body. Grindelwald simply backed away looking a bit shaken himself. If Dumbledore wished to kill him, he probably could.

Albus got to her body first and kneeled on the ground next to her. He grabbed her into his arms, her face was already pale. He ran his hand over her cheek and through her hair, she was already starting to get cold.

"It's for the Greater Good." Grindelwald's words faded behind Dumbledore as he apparated away.

Dumbledore seemed oblivious as he gripped his baby sister tightly and hugged her cold body, tears were running down his face. A heart-wrenching scream left his lips as he began to shake violently. I could feel his heart tightening, throat clenching, and his eyes burning.

He kneeled there for a while before he let out in a small whimper."Ariana."

Aberforth stood over him with clenched fists tears running down his face… he looked furious.

The memory began to fade, as it did Albus could be heard in a sobbing tone "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry… Ariana. Please, forgive me."