To Godric's Hollow

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Today went well, I got my money from the French Ministry and the tower got finished. I had a hard time explaining to Auntie why I didn't want to put most of my money into Gringotts yet, but she relented quickly. I took some time out of my day to deliver it to the nearly complete tower quickly before Auntie noticed.

I would prefer to keep it all in my cloak but nearly a million gold is quite heavy. The boys have also come over tonight, we will probably be playing Mario Cart until the girls come over tomorrow morning. They really like Gilg and Enki, especially Harry and Theo. Neville and Ron are both a bit scared of them but Ron won't admit it.

Although Theo has hung out with Ron and Harry quite a bit I was expecting him to have a hard time getting along with Neville but I was wrong. Apparently, the Nott family and Longbottoms have known each other for a while, it is one of the reason's Nevilles grandma let him come over.

Theo also happens to be very good at Chess so he and Ron played quite a bit. Ron isn't great at Mario Cart so the Chessboard is where he stays. I made sure to put the changed foe glass in my shroud before they come over. Though I am curious what they would see in it.


Waking up in the morning I feel refreshed as it's my first time actually sleeping in almost two months. I'm the first to wake up but Neville wakes up as I do and Theo not long after.

Harry and Ron of course sleep in so we head downstairs and get breakfast without them. I head down first to set the table as usual Auntie is already making breakfast. Uncle had to head in early to work for some case he was working on, his first solo one apparently.

Auntie smiles seeing me walk into the kitchen, "Are the other boys awake?" She asks as she sees Neville and Theo in the living room talking.

I sigh, "Nope, they are too hard to wake up. They also went to bed pretty late so it's understandable."

"What time are the girls getting here?" Auntie asks as she flips the hashbrowns.

"They stayed at Hermione's last night, Hermione said they would be over around nine."

She nods as she looks at the boys in the living room, "How would you boys like your eggs?"

"Sunnyside up ma'am," Theo says.

"Overwell please," Neville says.

Auntie smiles at me, "Theo is quite polite isn't he?"

I roll my eyes, "Indeed."

I grab the silverware and start setting the table. As I finish I turn to the clock to check the time: 8:12.

"Hey Neville, can you go wake up the sleeping beauties?" I ask not wanting to do it AGAIN.

Neville hops up from the couch, "Okay," he says without much mind.

I give him a smile, "Thank you."

As Neville makes it up the stairs Theo looks at me with raised brows, "You know he is going to take a pillow to the face?"

I shrug, "It builds character."

"Should I tell your sister you said that?" Auntie's voice startles me as she is right behind me setting the hashbrowns on the table.

I see Theo smirk as I jump a bit, "No, I think it's fine if she didn't hear that. Did you want me to help make the sausage?"

Auntie turns around without looking back, "I would appreciate it, Theodore, you can sit down."

"Yes, ma'am," Theo says as he sits down at the table and pulls out a book.

While I take over making the sausages since Auntie is already making the eggs. Only a minute or so later Neville comes down the stairs with a slightly red forehead and a tired look on his face.

I smile as I lean back to get a better view of him, "So are they up?"

He gives a half-hearted smile as he sits next to Theo, "Yeah, I got them."

I give him a thumbs-up, "Thanks."

His smile gets a bit bigger but quickly falls again when footsteps are heard from the stairs. Harry seems a bit more awake than Ron who seems to be slogging it.

"Ah, good you're awake. How would you like your eggs."

"Over medium," The duo says almost in unison.

I roll my eyes as I put the finished sausage links onto a plate with a pair of tongs. I bring the plate out to the table and sit down across from Neville while the duo sits on either side of me.

After breakfast we sit and talk for a while until we hear a knock on the door, "I'll get it," I say as I quickly get up. Opening the door I see, Daphne, Hermione, and Hermione's mother standing outside.

"Hello, Mrs. Granger. Come on inside," I say stepping aside to let them in. Mrs. Granger gives me a thankful smile as she steps past.

Auntie stands up to greet them and so do the boys, "Good morning, Soren." Daphne says giving me a quick hug.

I look her up and down quickly, "Now that I think about it I've never seen you outside of robes. You look good."

She blushes a bit as Hermione gives me a hug, "Good morning Soren."

I give her a smile as I look back at her mom, "Did Auntie and your Mom have something planned today?"

Hermione sighs, "Yeah, they are going to a muggle salon today."


"Hey Hermione," Harry says as he and Ron walk over.

Ron only smiles and waves but gets pulled into a hug with Harry and Hermione. I smirk seeing Ron struggle while still smiling.

Daphne just stands at the side awkwardly and waves at Theo who greets her.

"What time are you all leaving?" Auntie asks as she is clearing off the table.

I pull out seven tickets from my Mokeskin bag, "The tickets I got are for 9:30 so we can leave now if you want us out of your hair."

"I would never," against her words she is still smiling happily.

Hermione looks a bit upset at me making me a bit confused, "What?" I ask cautiously.

"You said we would buy the tickets on the bus, why did you buy them beforehand?"

I shrug at her angry words, "I'm rich enough to buy the Knight Bus let alone a few tickets."

Her glare doesn't cease, "That's not the point."

I smile not meeting her eyes as I hand out the tickets to everyone, "You two have never been on the Knight Bus before have you?" I ask looking between Harry and Hermione.

They both shake their heads and Neville speaks up, "I haven't either."

Theo, Daphne, Ron, and I look at him curiously but he shrinks back, "My Grandma said it is dangerous."

A universal 'Ahhhh' of understanding resounds around the room.

"Shall we go? Does anyone need to grab anything?" I ask as I'm still next to the open door.

Everyone shakes their heads but Daphne speaks up, "Can we say hi to Luar before we leave?" She asks a bit embarrassed.

I smirk as I close the door, "Absolutely, she like you two way more than any of these guys after all."

Walking out back we see a happy Luar, the girls quickly walk up to her and start petting her muzzle. The boys on the other hand stay a small distance away as the only ones she likes are Harry and Theo.

I've been thinking about putting Gilg and Enki out here since they are both smart enough not to slither away, but I'm still unsure how well they get along with Luar. After playing with Luar for a while we head out front near the street.

"What do we do now?" Harry asks.

"This," I say as I hold my wand in the air above me.

The trio who have never used the bus all seem confused but quickly understand as they see the bus. Down the road, you can see a triple-decker bus stretched thin coming at us quickly. It makes a sharp turn in front of us coming together to be more like a regular bus.

"Tickets please," Stan says with a tired tone as usual.

'It's always him I see taking tickets, does he ever get a day off?' I wonder