Dumbledore Residence

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It's a bit less than an hour before we reach Godric's Hollow and we are let off down the street from Dumbledore's home. We would have been dropped off closer but apparently, there is no road any closer. I suppose that is understandable as Dumbledore would never use a car.

As we near the house I notice that it is incredibly familiar to me. Considering it is freshly built I don't know why. The town itself is kind of drab but it is rather nice out unlike most of the time in the united kingdom.

Walking up to the front door Theo knocks first. Much to our surprise, a short house-elf answers the door. She is wearing a plain grey dress which is much nicer than the rags I've seen most wear.

"Ah, young masters, Master Dumbledore told Rainy you'd be coming today. This one is Rainy, Master Dumbledore house-elf," She says with a large smile.

I can see Hermione get a bit uncomfortable, "Good Morning Rainy, I'm Soren, is Aria here?"

Rainy steps back, "Oh, yes, follow me," she gestures for us to follow so we step inside and follow behind her.

Despite being a brand new house it looks incredibly old and it feels more and more familiar to me.

"Bloody Hell, this looks older than my house," Ron says looking around at the ancient-looking knick-knacks and paintings while Harry and Neville nod along with him.

Daphne and Hermione however, are looking around with interest. So am I until we reach the living room. It is wide with a large rug in front of a rather quaint fireplace with two rocking chairs not far away from each other.

Not far behind it is a raised section of the living room with two loveseats and a long couch. Between the seats is a long mahogany coffee table that looks to be from the early 1900s. It even has an old style of decorative carving symbolizing Arthurian Legends.

The memories from Dumbledore playback in my mind as I feel my chest tighten. As we stop in the living room we see Dumbledore coming down the stairs while holding Aria's hand. His eyes meet mine and he gives me a knowing smile.

"Welcome. Please, make yourself at home," he looks down at Aria. "Why don't you play with them while I go make some tea? Rainy, come help me in the kitchen for a moment."

"Yes, master," Rainy says happily running behind Dumbledore.

Aria nods as she runs over and gives me a hug, "SOREN!"

I smile hugging her back, "How have you been? Are you having fun in your new house?"

She puts a finger on her chin, "Mhm, I like the house but there aren't any kids here to play with."

I give a wry smile as I let Hermione hug her, "I can see that." Having watched the village from the Knight Bus window I didn't see a single person below the age of thirty.

"Hermione, Daphne." She says going between the two giving out hugs.

Ron kneels next to her with a smile, "Do you remember my name?"

She quickly nods, "Big Brother Ron."

A wide grin comes to Ron's face as he pulls out a piece of candy and hands it to her. Most of us roll our eyes at his bribe but Aria's face lights up at the candy nonetheless.

"Do you remember the names of the others?" I ask as she skillfully unwraps the candy.

Going from left to right she starts, "Theo, Big Brother Neville, and Harry."

I see Neville's face beaming at being called big brother, "I actually have a small gift for you," Theo says reaching into his robes.

He pulls out a small pink potion bottle, "You got her a potion?" Ron asking the question on everyone's mind.

Theo shakes his head, "This is a new drink I plan to put in my store next school year. I don't have any normal glasses so I put it in one of my potions glasses."

"I mean that is a good gimmick, I say you keep it that way." A few of the others nod at my words.

He scratches his chin, "I guess it is kinda neat huh?"

Aria nods her head in an exaggerated fashion causing me to smile. All of us turn to see Dumbledore and Rainy walking back into the room with two platters full of tea and biscuits floating next to them.

With his usual grandfatherly smile, he gestures to the couch and chairs, "Please make yourselves at home."

We all choose a seat and sit down around the large coffee table. I sit on the couch at one end close to Theo and Neville who are on the loveseat. Daphne sits next to me and Hermione sits on the other side of her, and of course, the duo sits on a loveseat.

Aria squeezes herself between me and Daphne giving her a cheeky smile. Dumbledore laughs as the platters gently float onto the coffee table.

"It seems my daughter has grown quite attached to you Soren," Dumbledore says giving Aria a loving smile.

I ruffle Aria's hair but she grabs my hand and looks up at me with an angry pout, "Sorry," I say with a grin that betrays my words.

Dumbledore's smile grows as he seemingly remembers something, "Would you all watch Aria while I borrow your friend?" He gestures at Harry.

My brows furrow knowing what he probably wants to talk about but I quickly hide it. Everyone seemingly seems to nod in agreement.

"Don't worry Headmaster, we will take care of her," Hermione says with a reassuring smile.

"Thank you, Miss Granger, if you need anything just ask Rainy, she is quite good at her job.. Come, Harry, we have much to talk about."

Harry seems confused having just sat down but gets up to follow anyway. I wave him off goodbye because I know he will need it. It is a shame I can't be the one to tell him about his parents but I suppose that a grandfatherly figure will do far better than the awkward me.

As they get out the door Theo looks between us all, "What was that about?" Ron seems baffled while the others just shrug not knowing.

"You don't want to know. Anyways, what do you guys want to play?" I ask everyone but mainly towards Aria.

She jumps up at my question, "I know what we can play!" she yells as she runs off back up the stairs.

Theo grabs his tea with a grin, "I suppose she knows what she wants to play."

Not much long later she comes back down with a game called 'Gringotts Property Management.' After only a few minutes of playing Hermione points out that the game is almost exactly the same as Monopoly, and she is right. I have never lost a game of Monopoly in my life, that being said I've only played against Auntie, Uncle, and Sis.

…I lost, Neville ended up winning because I landed on the high-value properties that he had been sitting on all game. As I'm leaning back wallowing in my own self-pity at my loss Harry and Dumbledore come back in.

Harry is staying behind Dumbledore who has his normal smile, "Ah, Gringotts Property Management, good choice."

"Soren, do you have a moment? I have something important to talk to you about."

After losing such a close game I don't feel up to another so I jump at the chance, "Of course." I stand up ruffling Aria's hair again ignoring her pout.