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7. The Prospective Successor of the Company

Meanwhile, in another office building. The more majestic. Higher. With a height of 35 floors and a total stock of USD 884.15 million, Uni-Xpert stands. Being one of the large multinational companies engaged in export-import, and has more than 40 trademarks, with 14 brands of which have a total sales of more than £ 100 million. A company that was only founded twenty years ago with the hard work and persistence of Mr. Lewis.

And now, look at the results. Almost all goods produced by Uni-Xpert, always managed to become number one consumer goods and pioneers in their field. Not to mention, import-export businesses are increasingly making it easier for their products to enter any country.

But behind all that greatness, now Uni-Xpert is undergoing a transition, namely the transfer of leadership from Mr. George Lewis to his only son, Lucas Lewis.

As the sole heir to the company and this entire fortune, Lucas had indeed been taught how to run a company, how to lead meetings, how to make decisions and of course how to be a leader.

Since childhood, Lucas Lewis has always received the number one education even up to the college level. Although he was very rich and affluent since childhood, Lucas Lewis was never arrogant or arbitrarily to anyone. George Lewis, his father, taught manners and how to empathize with others, which made Lucas always be kind and friendly to everyone. He also never showed off.

Everyone loves Lucas Lewis. He is very energetic, intelligent, friendly, and has a good attitude.

Including Luna Lee.

The two met while in college. This is a simple story but very extraordinary. But it's better to tell later, because now is the time to see how Lucas Lewis was at the conference table that afternoon.

It's about plans to import massive cotton from India to increase glove production.

"… our gloves are starting to complain that they are too thin. This will make consumers no longer believe in our products and switch to other brands. And now let's look at the approximate graph if we import 20 times more cotton than before. As we can see, there is a 300% increase in consumers. This way, we can penetrate the Russian market and export a lot there…"

Lucas Lewis watched intently at the person who was presenting in front of him. His face looked very serious, but his heart was thriving. That's because yesterday, he and his girlfriend, Luna Lee, got the happy news that Luna was pregnant.

This of course can't be hidden well. So after the meeting ended, Lucas immediately asked his secretary to buy a red diamond.

"And use that Red Diamond as a pendant. I want to give it to Luna as a special gift," Lucas said, giving orders.

"Yes, sir," replied his secretary.

"Oh, and also please book a resort in Kanifushi Kanifushi Island, Maldives― for two nights this month."

"Just two nights, sir?" asked the secretary to be sure.

"Yes. Because I can't stay away from this company for long."

"Well. Please correct me if I'm wrong, you asked to buy a pendant with Red Diamonds and a resort in Kanifushi for two nights. Is that right?"


"Well, maybe if you don't mind, sir. I would like to remind you that this month, you have an appointment with Mr and Mrs O'Connor. The owner of the Gauntlet Company. Then at the end of the month, you also have dinner with the international association group."

Lucas thanked him as he walked away.

"Yes, Yes, Yes. Thank you for reminding me, Ivy…"

"And, Mr. Lewis," called the secretary, Ivy Jackson, stopping Lucas Lewis from turning around slightly.

"Yes? Is there anything left?"

"Now it's time for you to have lunch with your mother, Mrs Olivia Gonzales."

Lucas Lewis slapped his forehead and chuckled.

"Oh, right. I almost forgot. Thanks again, Ivy."

"You're welcome, Mr Lewis. Have a nice lunch."

"You too Ivy."

Lucas walked to the elevator and went downstairs to the Madison Forth Building. Precisely to the 9th floor where there is a five-star French restaurant called 'Le Goût Céleste'. Mom's favorite restaurant.

Turns out, sure enough, Lucas' mother, Olivia Gonzales was already there. Waiting gracefully while looking through the menu book. Abag Hermès Kelly Rose Gold, which at first glance resembled crocodile skin, lay on the table beside him. Not only that, this woman also wore a simple dress collection from Versace and annecklace Oppenheimer Bluewrapped around her neck.

Olivia Gonzales-Lewis, a beautiful woman of Uruguayan descent who is half a century old is the beloved wife of Mr. George Lewis. Olivia is one of the daughters of a conglomerate in Uruguay and later married Mr Lewis when she was twenty years old. He is known for being capable, ambitious, and strong-willed. In contrast to Mr. Lewis who tends to be flexible and level-headed.

Now back to one of the tables in 'Le Goût Celeste'. Seeing that her son had arrived, Mrs. Lewis took down the menu and stood up to greet her son.

"Lucas, welcome," said Mrs. Lewis, kissing Lucas on both cheeks.

"Hi, Mom. Sorry for keeping you waiting," Lucas said. He kissed his mother on the cheek and hugged her gently.

"Oh, no, son. I just arrived too. I had a little tea with Mrs Allison earlier. Allison Mortimer. Do you remember her? My college friend."

"Oh, yes, yes. Mrs. Allison, who likes to dye her hair like a clown," Lucas joked.

"Oops… No, no. Don't say that, you little monkey."

The two of them sat down and a waiter arrived and they ordered menus. Small talk this and that to release the longing because, you could say, Lucas rarely sees his mother because of their busy lives. Moreover, since Lucas Lewis moved into a penthouse three years ago, the two of them rarely saw each other. But, that doesn't mean Lucas and Olivia never communicate with each other at all.

As it is now, appointments for lunch, dinner, or vacations together are a way for Lucas to meet his parents.

"I haven't seen Dad at the office lately. Is he healthy?"

"Of course. In fact, last night your father was planning to leave for South Africa. He said he wanted to see the lion."

Lucas laughed. He knew very well that his father, Mr. Lewis, was quite unique.

"And you didn't come with him?"

"Me? Crossing half a continent just to see a lion? Oh, don't be stupid, Lucas. Of course I don't want to. Your dad is weird. I have no idea," Olivia replied, shaking her head.

Before long, one by one the menus arrived and they were chatting while having fun. Until Olivia realized something. Her maternal instincts cannot be fooled. That is seeing how Lucas' face is more cheerful than before.

"May I know, what made you so happy this afternoon, son?" Mrs Lewis asked with a smile.

"I? Oh… is that so obvious?" Lucas looked embarrassed.

"Yes. Your cheeks are redder than usual."

"Erm… ha ha… I don't know, but I'm feeling really happy, Mom. The happiest man on earth," Lucas said.

"Okay, let me guess. Surely this is about Luna Lee, your lover? Right, right?" guessed Olivia Gonzales while chopping meat.

"Yes. Of course. But, it's more than that, ma'am."


"Luna is pregnant. Can you imagine that, Mom?! Luna is pregnant! Oh, I really can't believe I'm going to say this to you," Lucas said very, very happily.

Meanwhile, Olivia Gonzales' knife paused for a moment before making another chopping motion and looking at her son. Smiling faintly.

She said, "Oh, really? Well... congratulations, my son."

(To be continued…)