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8. A Mother's Heart

While eating her meat deliciously, Mrs. Olivia Gonzales said, "Oh, well… congrats, son."

"Thank you, Mom. This is truly the most amazing thing I have ever heard in my life!" Lucas' eyes lit up like the sun was in them.

This made Mrs. Lewis smile too. Putting the fork on the side of the plate then took Lucas' hand and comforted him.

"Mom is also happy for you, Lucas, because Mom is a mother. Mom and Dad also feel the same way you feel now. It really can't be put into words, right?"

"Yes! And, oh my gosh, Mom. But, I even lifted Luna's body and twirled her until she was dizzy. Ha ha…" Lucas laughed amused at his own memory.

"Oh yeah! That's right. I told you, son! That's what your father did when he found out that I was pregnant with you. It felt like I wanted to grab her hair right then and there. Huh, I wonder, why do the men always pick us up, the pregnant women, and twirl them like propellers?" said Mrs Lewis, shaking her head.

Lucas laughed so hard he burst into tears. But apparently Lucas did cry a little. He wiped the tears.

"What's the matter, son? Why are you even crying? Is there anything else weighing you down? You can tell Mom, honey," Mrs Lewis asked, stroking her son's arm affectionately.

"No, Mom. I don't cry because I'm sad. But, I cried because I was happy."

Lucas Lewis then looked at his mother with a smile and a look of hope.

She said, "Mom, like I said earlier this is the most amazing news I've ever heard in my entire life. I will have a child with a woman who I also love with all my heart, Mom. So, I beg you just this once. Just this one time. Don't interfere in my love life, Mom. I'm begging you very much. Don't bother Luna or make her sad. I love you Mom, but as a man, I love Luna Lee more. She is like half of me and now Luna is pregnant with my child. So, I sincerely and sincerely hope that Mom will accept Luna and the baby as they are."

Lewis's lengthy sentence was listened to by Mrs. Lewis without interruption. This reminded her of what had happened a few years ago so that Mrs Lewis lowered her head for a moment.

Mrs. Lewis sighed, then looked at Lucas and nodded.

"Yes. Sure, Lucas. Mom apologizes for my mistake years ago. I'm very selfish and doesn't think about you. I'm sorry. Mom is very sorry," said Mrs Lewis with a look of regret on her face.

As a good child, Lucas squeezed his mother's hand gently. Lucas had also forgiven Olivia Gonzales' selfishness in the past. Lucas used to think that his mother was a bad person, but now he understands that everything his mother did was because Lucas Lewis was the only son and favorite child so Olivia Gonzales still felt unwilling if another woman tried to take her son.

But now everything seems to have changed.

Olivia might have changed too. This woman no longer forbids Lucas to meet Luna Lee. He even allowed Lucas to live in the family's Penthouse with Luna Lee! Really good progress.

But that was nothing before Olivia Gonzales said to her beloved son.

"Well, son. I'm also happy with the good news from you and if you don't mind, if Luna is willing, may I meet her? At the same time seeing my future grandson in her stomach? I can, right? Please."

Lucas was silent for a moment. He blinked a few times before responding.


At Luna Lee's office.

A pile of files whose height was already past the limit of Luna's head. This frustrated him again. Not to mention the phone that had been ringing ever since and Luna Lee had to pick it up to give a little explanation.

Really frustrating. Even though this morning he looked very happy in the toilet. Even to jump up and down in a position to hug with Mila Stone. But in just a matter of hours, his condition changed.


The phone on her desk rang again while Luna Lee was entering the data from the file into a computer file. With one hand, Luna picked up the phone.

"Miss Lee! Oh my Gosh! Are you a Sloth?! What make you so slow?! The file hasn't come in at all, here!" protested Giselle Travolta, the very fussy manager.

"Ah, I'm entering the data, Miss Travolta. Take it easy. Even here I still have a lot of data that has to be entered from three days ago and it hasn't decreased in the slightest!" replied Luna Lee in an annoyed tone.

"What?! What have you been doing for the past three days, Miss Lee?! Making lovewith your man, huh?!"

"What the fuck?" whispered Luna couldn't believe the words her manager who was very chatty and annoying said.

"Huh?! What?! Did you say something?! Did you just swear at me?!" Giselle snapped angrily.

He even stood up and started pointing at Luna Lee with his eyes bulging from the glass-walled manager's room at the far end of the room. Making everyone turned to Luna Lee who immediately looked awkward. Hurriedly, Luna Lee answered Giselle. Still on the phone.

"Uh… ah… I'm just saying, is it still a long time? I mean, the computer is lagging and it's taking a long time to load. Can you wait a moment, Miss Travolta?"

"How much longer do I have to wait?!"


"If I don't receive the data by two o'clock this afternoon, you will suffer the consequences, Miss Lee."

"Okay, Miss Travolta. So I had to hang up the phone so I could get back to work. Okay, bye."

Luna Lee immediately returned the receiver and stared at the computer. Avoiding the sharp gaze of his manager who was still standing behind the glass wall before finally returning to his own chair. Luna constantly cursed because she was annoyed and embarrassed because she was the center of attention.

Not far from him, Mila Stone, who had definitely seen the scene where Luna Lee was scolded by their manager, tried to comfort Luna by giving her a piece of chocolate.

And if this was all Luna thought that busy work and Giselle Travolta's nagging was a bad thing, there was actually one thing that made her bad enough to be speechless.

That was when he came home from work. After a tiring day, at least the chocolate from Mila and the fetus in her stomach can make Luna excited again to face the rest of the day.

He arrived at the Penthouse around nine o'clock in the evening. Shower, prepare food and wait for Lucas to come back while watching television. Soon, his girlfriend came home and they had dinner together.

At that moment, Lucas told him about something that Luna Lee wanted to avoid the most.

"Babe, my mom wants to see you. What do you think?"

(To be continued)