A Will to Live

Ruxandra is right.

Ercilia hates the Viatrix clan with every fiber of her being.

That's why it has always been her dream to leave the headquarters someday should she fail to burn the whole thing down into ashes. She wants to break free and explore the world. The existence of that wish alone was proof that she didn't want to throw away her life completely. She wanted to imagine it - to hope.

And knowing that Drystan is somewhere out there, Ercilia realizes that there is now more to the outside world that she can look forward to.

"Let me make a promise to you, dear. If you agree to see this through, we'll fulfill your greatest wish - to leave the headquarters," Ruxandra offered, still holding Ercilia close.

"You'll... let me go out? Once training is done?"

"Well, take me as an example. I do go out every now and then to accomplish certain missions, don't I? You'll get to do it, too. It can even be for a long period of time."

"Why'd you give me that much freedom?"

"Couldn't it be that I simply wish for your happiness?"

Ruxandra hugs her, then - an attempt to give her comfort and encouragement. But Ercilia pulls back from the embrace, shooting her a glare.

"Why?" she pressed through gritted teeth.

At that, Guinevere bursts out laughing all of the sudden. Taken aback, Ercilia turns to find her looking so entertained.

"Extraordinary! This one has more fight in her than you had, Ruxandra!"

She walked closer to Ercilia, and in one swift motion, she had her fingers around her neck. Her clutch is tight. It makes it hard for her to breathe. Despite her age, she is still quite strong.

"Lesson number one, Ercilia. You don't ask questions. Ever."

Every hint of amusement had disappeared from Guinevere's voice. All there is left is a spine-chilling, commanding tone. It is then that she recognizes her for the superior that she is.

"You listen, and you obey. That's how you stay alive long enough to go outside..." she ordered as she let her go, and she coughed roughly, taking gulps of air.

"So, what do you choose, Ercilia?"

Guinevere had one hand stretched in front of the man beside her - the only thing preventing him from firing his gun at her right then and there. Ercilia thought through her options, though she didn't really have much considering that she could no longer escape.

On the other hand, if Ercilia made a deal with the devil, she could see the outside world for the very first time - could meet Drystan again.

Determination courses through her veins. She then bows down in front of Ruxandra and Guinevere, accepting her fate.

"Please..." Ercilia started, deciding not to give up.

"I wish to live on."

"Excellent..." Guinevere cooed with a smile before holding out her hand.

"Come with me then, little one."

Hesitantly, she took it.

The gesture seems to serve as an act of sealing the deal. She is then pulled away, obliged to follow against her will. They walk deeper and deeper into the tunnel - into what feels like the point of no return.

"Goodbye, dear!" Ruxandra called from behind them.

Ercilia never turned to look back.


Guinevere guided Ercilia inside a truck which soon began to drive off to the facility she'd call prison and training ground from that point on.

"Grandmother? May I ask a question?" she said in a low voice, bracing herself for another punishment.

Guinevere let out a sigh and shifted in her seat. She moved so as to be able to see Ercilia's face better.

"I trust you will make better judgements about your questions now, Ercilia," she muttered sternly.

"I'm sorry for my impudence earlier, Grandmother. I have fully realized the position I'm in now, and I'm grateful that I can keep living..." she trailed off and pressed her hands together.

"Even if it's like this."

"Very well. What is your question?"

"Where I'm going... Will there be others like me?"

"Of course. There will be many other girls - all vying for a position in the mafia."

Guinevere sounded almost proud. Ercilia couldn't find anything about it to be proud of, though - after all, superior or not, they're all just tools to the Viatrix clan in the end.

"You'll be competing against at least twenty others. You must crush all of them if you want to leave the headquarters," she explained.

"Crush?" she repeated, appalled.

"Your position is not yet guaranteed just because you were chosen, young lady. For clan members like you who rebelled, your only way to continue living is to become the greatest tool you can ever be - either you become a professional hitwoman or a courier who orchestrates abductions."

"What happens if I'm not able to become any of that?"

"Then, you'll get shipped off or finished off."

Guinevere said that without any hesitation. She makes it sound so simple, but Ercilia knows quite well the severity of those punishments - either you get treated like some damaged goods or get executed.

"Anything else?" Guinevere questioned, her gaze unwavering.

"One more question," Ercilia answered, steeling herself.


"What do I have to do to become the greatest tool?"