To be the Mafia's Greatest Tool

Guinevere sighed.

"Didn't I already tell you? Defeat the competition. Complete tasks and assignments-"

"What else do I have to do?"

Ercilia interrupted her. She could see her gaze burning with purpose, her expression steeled with resolve. Guinevere smiled, somewhat impressed, and leaned in closer.

"Don't make friends, and don't form attachments, but show that you're kind, and show that you're resourceful..." she whispered in her ears, and through the corners of her eyes, she could see a scheming look on her face.

"All the girls there are lost and afraid. Become their guide. Become the one they trust the most. Then, use it for your win."

"So, I should become their leader?"

"That's a nice way to put it. Besides, you're the official heiress not so long ago. You're expected to act like one."

Guinevere regards her with disappointment this time, her smile contorting into a frown. Still, Ercilia didn't falter - didn't feel ashamed nor rueful, knowing quite well that she never wanted that position in the first place.

"Anyway, show the overseers that you're already a perfect candidate - that you're a natural at deception. Ruxandra has told me how kind you are, Ercilia. That kindness will be your weapon."

Upon hearing that, Ercilia suddenly thought of Drystan.

She stoops her head low, dismayed that she'll be living this kind of life from now on. While she may have tricked him into believing she's bad, she can't possibly trick others that she's kind because it's true that she is.

"He'll be disappointed in me."

Guinevere's gaze softens.

Slowly, she put her palm on her head, caressing it gently - a feigned kindness. That's when Ercilia realized that this was what they were looking for. This was what it meant to trick others with kindness -

Kindness that makes them feel that they are special. Earns their trust. Then, breaks them when they realize it is all just part of the job.

"He'll be happier that you've stayed alive."

Guinevere said that as if she knew Drystan personally. It got on her nerves. But her voice and her touch are just so warm that it soothes Ercilia - so conniving.

"Yes, Grandmother," she said politely, easing into the touch.


The training ground was nothing like Ercilia imagined.

She had envisioned something similar to a military camp - with all the fences, barricades, and grassy fields. However, what greeted her turned out to be almost the same as the underground facility that she spent most of her life in.


Guinevere placed a hand on the small of her back. She then prodded Ercilia to walk into the building.

"This design is common for almost every institution. Not very creative - our superiors."

It looked so similar that she half expected her parents to come out and greet her. Yet instead, she found many girls her age - some are older, standing in silence here and there like some decoration.

They all have the same lifeless eyes, but then again, so does she.

"Your room will be on the third floor..." Guinevere began explaining, leading Ercilia further inside.

"The food timings are the same as what you used on your training as the heiress. Every time a buzzer rings, make your way outside. Your first lessons will be held there."

"Thank you, Grandmother."

She had forced those words out - and it sickened her to be indebted to someone like them. However, this is her only chance to continue living. She needs to put up with it.

Guinevere smiled, pulling Ercilia into an embrace.

"Good luck, darling. I hope you survive. I really do."


The training is nothing special - nothing the former heiress handle.

Combat. Gunmanship. Home economics. First aid. Psychology. Math and Science. Physical education.

Within a week, Ercilia's talents have already been recognized.

Everyone is almost always being watched by people in masks. They are the overseers, and they step in when someone breaks the rules or gets out of hand. Otherwise, they keep quiet, immobile - almost seamlessly blended into the background. She knows that they are tasked with evaluating her and the other trainees, so she makes sure to be on her best behaviour in front of them.

Ercilia keeps a smile on her face at all times - even to those who regard her with envy and disgust.

She is disgusted at herself, too. Then again, she is clinging onto life while knowing that she will be taking others' soon.

'Truly disgusting.'

Ercilia has an advantageous background - being born and raised from the main family and all. She is skillful, intelligent, and strong. Moreover, she can easily adapt to her environment, making her highly flexible.

This earned her enemies but also a few lackeys.

Ercilia started with a small number, taking care of two or three girls - giving them pointers and suggestions until they began coming to her willingly, asking for help. She attracted those who were unsure, fearful and in need of shelter. Somewhere along the line, she learnt to care without letting people into her heart.

Ercilia starts to turn into some sort of a machine - numb, detached, mechanical.

'All for the sake of going outside - of seeing him again.'