Unexpected Love Confession

"That's good," Iorwerth said as he entered Ercilia's bedroom and locked the door in secret.

She has failed to notice the malicious glint brimming in his eyes as she has already turned her back on him and walked over to the side. He went to her bed and sit on it. Looking up at her, he then smiled and patted the seat next to him.

Seeing the silent invitation, she hesitantly approached him and sat on the bed as he instructed – not without making sure that they still have a decorous distance between them. But then, at that moment that she settled down, she felt shivers going down her spine. She steeled herself on her seat, not wanting to cower in fear.

"What do you want to say to me, Mr. Isis?" Ercilia asked, which earned a smile from Iorwerth for some reason.

While he stares at her, he places his hand on her head and starts to caress it. The gesture comes out like he is petting her. Feeling disgusted once again, she does her best to restrain herself from swatting his hand away. She decides to pretend to be taken aback by the sudden physical contact that she can't help but back away.

Yet, before she can even do just that, he suddenly scoots closer to her and rests his forehead against hers.

"Sir…?" she called, still keeping a polite tone despite how alarming this was.

"What are you doing? Is something the matter?"

"You smell so good as always. You're very warm, too…" he said, ignoring her question, before he pulled away and grabbed her hand.

"My lady, this past month with you has been so wonderful, and now, I have realized that I'm more than fascinated with you. I have grown very fond of you, Ercilia."

"I'm pleased to know that you're enjoying my company, Sir. It's my duty to be a good companion to you during my stay here."

Iorwerth let out a strained chuckle, sweatdropping a little. He then lifted her hand up and placed it on the side of his face. Again, Ercilia restrained herself from pulling away.

"No, my lady. What I mean is, I like you. I love you. Not as someone who was sent to me to serve me or whatever they called it, but as someone romantically…" he patiently explained to her, closing his eyes.

"I love you a lot. Your looks, your personality, your everything - I find them all endearing. I want to be with you forever. I love you, Ercilia. Do you love me, too?"

Her eyes are as wide as saucers at that point.

For a long moment, Ercilia didn't know what to say. While she was expecting Iorwerth to lust after her or even pounce on her as soon as he got the chance, a romantic confession was something she did not see coming at all.

She can't believe he's even taking time to tell her all of this. Since he's the one who's in power here, he can literally do anything he wants whenever he wants to.

Even then, whether this love confession of his is genuine or not, Ercilia is not about to fall for those words - there's a reason why Iorwerth has his reputation as a ladies' man, after all.