Mad Love

"My lady, look at me."

Ercilia did so, realizing she had been lost in her thoughts. Then, all of the sudden, she felt captivated by Iorwerth - by his narrowed, glinting gaze that seemed to draw her in.

"Don't you want to be happy? With me?"

His tone had taken on an almost taunting, wheedling quality. It had this edge to it that somehow echoed to the core of who she was.

"You don't want to fight me, Ercilia. I can give you everything you'll ever want and need."

Something was lurking in her mind - something that pressed coldly down on her feelings, trying to whisk them away. For a moment, she suddenly felt a euphoria of contentment. She had him with her, and she felt safe with him.

'What is going on? Why am I feeling like this?'