Just What is Love

"The monster has the princess, doesn't he…?" Iorwerth whispered to Ercilia.

"And what else is the princess supposed to be but scared? All until the prince comes to save her."

His grip tightened again, forcing her head upwards. Right then, she swore she saw a glimpse of his reflective, glinting eyes - or perhaps, she was merely imagining it.

"But guess what, my lady? There will be no prince coming for you. No knight, either. We're all alone here - just you and me forever."

"M-Mr. I-Isis… P-Please, don't…"

"Is the princess bad at listening?"

He hissed, tugging her close so he could murmur in her ear. She shuddered but still did not fight back.

"I told you that no knight is coming for you. You're here to stay with me for the rest of our lives, and if you know what's good for you, you'll call me by my name from now on."

Ercilia stayed quiet. But apparently, Iorwerth did not like that.

"Say my name," he demanded.

"I-Iorwerth," she stuttered, forcing the words out.