Towards a Way Out

Ercilia exits the hotel.

Keeping her gait easy and casual, she steps out to the street for the first time on her own. With the help of the web mapping application on her phone, she treads the path to the city's metro. She has just walked in when one of her bodyguards appears by the entrance, hawk-like eyes searching the crowd for any signs of her.

'They already noticed I'm gone, huh? That's a lot quicker than I expected.'

She steels herself in place as the man in suit meets her eyes through the window of the transit. Then, he moves on - no recognition occurred. Expelling a shaky breath, she slumps in her seat and tries to compose her pounding heart.

There are three stops before Ercilia reaches her destination - Ruxandra's current residence.

'You better be right about this, Grandmother Guinevere.'