Hell by a Spell

The hotel elevator slides to a stop, and the stoic-faced handler saunters to the door, ushering his captive out with the gun pointed at his head once his feet took a step into the empty, ill-lit hall.

"You know the drill…" the man started, following him from behind.

"If you try to run or-"

"Yeah, yeah…" the boy had the guts to grumble, walking forward. 

"I get electrocuted. What else is new?"

Seriously, though, only a coward threatens a harmless kid, Meir feels like scoffing. 

A hand roughly grabs his elbow. He then finds himself getting yanked back, forced down onto his knees. Meir gasps, totally caught unaware. But with the guard's weapon aimed straight at his temple, he cannot help but tremble, eyes squeezed tightly shut.

This has never been done to Meir.