What's Stirring Behind the Scenes

Learning that Ruxandra is being targeted is no surprise to Ercilia.

Having been reared under a similar living condition, she knows that working for the mafia doesn't mean they'll always guarantee their safety, particularly for those of their rank and status. They are left to their own devices at times. Such is especially the case when their endorser or backer retires. With theirs gone, they've become vulnerable and directionless, yet not as restrained as before.

"It's all your fault."

Ercilia feels like flaring up at the accusation. Ruxandra can't be possibly pointing fingers now. 

"Spare me from your bullcrap, Ruxandra. I never wanted this to happen-"

"Or so that's what I'd like to say. Of course, you're not in the wrong, Ercilia."

She falls quiet then, chest heaving slightly from the unreleased tension. There's a brief pause on the other side. She takes this moment to compose herself, eyes shut closed.