Celestial Lady

Meir cries and cries.

Just days before, it was this despairing situation that would make him do so. He'd let himself wallow in this void of a place like he would in anguish. But at that moment, there's a different cause behind his breakdown.

He was in tears because someone had tried to get him out of there – but only to suffer a brutal consequence. 

It was one of the most frightening experiences he's ever had. He was struck with aghast shock for so long that he even failed to notice when and how he was taken there. What made it more horrible was that it happened because of his own naivety and carelessness.   

That woman's kindness could've been the end of him right then and there.

'No one had ever done that for me before. No one had ever gone that far.'

It was overwhelming. She was the first to put her everything in the line just to defend him – her dignity, her image, her safety, her life. It really was amazing.