It Got Bad and Bloody

Meir shakes his head as if that'll do anything to stop Marius from what he's planning. 

"Y-You can't do that! S-She's your daughter!" 

His voice is as scratchy as a vintage CD, filled with the kind of anger that, much to his embarrassment, sounds childlike even to his own ears. The man expels a sigh that seems to carry a hint of genuine sadness, but he decides not to hold his breath when he goes on to speak.

"Yes, which is why I wish you and your uncle wouldn't have tainted her. But some sacrifices have to be made, right? That's the only way to keep the world rolling for people like us."

"Am I going to be killed too?" 

He knows it's selfish to ask that first. But he just can't help but feel scared.

Meir's question almost made Marius laugh. 

"Why, of course not? Why do you think we went through all the trouble of keeping you alive even after what your family did to ours…?" he scoffed.