Get the Lovey-Dovey Act Ready

"That said, I do have the right to disapprove of your relationship, don't I?" Montgomery remarked forbiddingly, still peering at Ercilia intently. 

She decides not to give a response yet, and instead, she takes a moment to contemplate.

He does not seem to be straight-up protesting against their plan to marry. Then again, he's a plain-spoken man. He could have point-blank objected right at their faces instead of prolonging this conversation.

"Please, excuse me…" she chimed in and stood up from her seat, feeling like taking a break for a bit.

"I have to go to the washroom. Can you show me where it is, Drystan?" 

He looks up at her, a confused look on his face, before he nods and follows. She grabs a hold of his arm, and he escorts her out of the dining hall.

"What's the matter, Ercilia?" he whispered under his breath, nearly stumbling over his own feet as she hauled him into the foyer and down a dimly lit hallway.