Meeting the Former Head

Drystan goes on to drive down the road, glancing at Ercilia from time to time.

"Well, our family does have the strangest rules. My grandfather was the one who made nearly all of them…" he told her, frowning. 

"Getting a motorcycle was something I did on impulse, though. He's so overprotective to the point it's overbearing, and he didn't even want me driving myself anywhere, so… Yeah. It was sort of a birthday gift for myself, and kind of a middle finger to my grandfather."

To his surprise, a loud, unladylike laugh suddenly broke itself from her throat. She had to slap a hand to her mouth the moment the sound rose into the air, feeling everywhere from her shoulders to the tips of her ears redden in embarrassment from the noise she'd made. 

"Sorry…" she apologized, voice wobbling a little bit from her giggles.

"That's just funny to think about. You went out and bought something 'dangerous' just to spite him. It's hilarious to imagine."