Lovely Night

Ercilia has a hard time believing Montgomery's proposal.

No interview. No grueling application process that might leave in dismay and frustration. No internship. No degree. Nothing at all.

He's offering her not only a position but a whole ass entire company. That's unheard of.

"Don't get me wrong. I had seen some of your records, and I had measured your capabilities based on them. This isn't abrupt at all…" Montgomery explained.

"I imagine you'll go far if you take this opportunity."

Ercilia turns to Drystan.

Going by the look of surprise and disbelief on his face, she can tell that he also didn't see this coming. They're both hearing this for the first time. He notices her staring, so he faces her, offering her a smile that seems both proud and reassuring. 

"Well, are you going to accept it, Lia?" he asked.

"Do you think I deserve it, Dan?" she asked back.

"Of course. You've worked so hard, after all."