Warm Company in the Cold Rain

Flattered by Drystan's compliment, Ercilia blushes.

Being so close like this reminds her of their initial plan to kiss. Her face heats up even more, and she takes a step backward, her bare foot coming in contact with a puddle. The chill she feels then is startling. Out of nowhere, her heart is racing frantically, eyes blown wide and fingers fidgeting nervously.

"I-I had fun tonight…" she said again.

"Thank you for introducing me to another member of your family. I'm glad it went well."

He seems taken aback by how Ercilia suddenly drew away but says nothing. In a sort of self-conscious motion, Drystan shoves his hands back into his pockets.

"Y-Yeah…" he replied, not meeting her eyes.

"Thank you for helping me out with that."