Regal as a Queen

Ercilia smiles up at Drystan who strangely remains unresponsive.

"Why don't you wait here for now? I haven't seen myself in this dress yet. Give me a moment to look at the mirror, okay?" she told him before she turned around and walked further inside the dressing room, leaving him standing there in the middle while still trapped in a trance.

As she scans herself in the mirror, she gathers that the design suits her quite well. But she wants to make sure it's the perfect fit, so she tries to examine her appearance longer. It isn't a moment later, however, that she hears the curtains behind her being moved apart. 

"You're thinking too much. You look beautiful," came a low, deep voice from the doorway.

Ercilia doesn't have to turn to know who it is. There are footsteps next, and then, the door closes shut. Ercilia's breath gets caught at that moment.