Star of the Show

Ruxandra enjoys seeing the seeds of Ercilia's labor bear fruits and bloom. 

Everyone appears to be having a good time so far. Today has definitely been more hectic than the past few weeks, and Ruxandra has done her best to help keep things in check throughout the day. Ercilia has gone and back forth to make sure that everything is ready. 

There is just one tiny grain of resentment that lingers in Ruxandra's mind, however. These people expect so much from her niece only because Montgomery has approved of her. 

Drystan would constantly remind her that there was nothing for her to prove. Even then, Ercilia was too stubborn to listen and would simply carry on.

'I see that her perfectionist side is still there,' she internally sighed. 

Her thoughts led to how she tended to do a lot during the last several days, and seeing how hard she was working, her intuition pointed out that something was bound to go wrong.