Remnant of a Cruel Past

In silence, Ruxandra accompanies Ercilia to the lounge.

Ruxandra asked a server to get them some food and drinks. Then, giving Ercilia her full attention, she continued to probe, "Darling, are you sure you're feeling alright? I know today has been more exhausting for you than ever, and honestly, I don't want you to take to heart what others expect from you. You're perfect the way you are, so you don't have to push yourself too hard."

Ercilia makes a wry grin at that. Ruxandra can't help but feel more worried.

"I'm fine," her niece responded as she tiredly slumped onto the back of the couch, but only to wince when she felt her body ache slightly from the sudden movement. 

Panic and concern radiate from Ruxandra. But she holds back from smothering Ercilia. 

Something is telling her that she needs to be treated a bit more gently. There's something more going on than what happened a little while ago.