Untypical Way to Celebrate a Special Occassion

Ercilia wakes up peacefully like normal.

Rays of the morning light penetrate through the window beside her, birds chirping from a nearby tree branch. She sits up to do a few stretches, and as she opens her eyes, she finds the room filled with flower arrangements. Every clear surface has vases of them, even some on the floor. She blinks several times and rubs her eyes, wondering if she is dreaming. 

But they are still there. 

"What's going?" Ercilia blurted out, and then, the door swung open. 

"Surprise!" Drystan and Meir cheered, making a sudden entrance. 

Her eyes widen in surprise, a scream tearing out of her throat. Both uncle and nephew went frozen in place. Once she realizes it is only them, she pipes down and goes still.