fight or flight

Lucifer walked out the door and whipped out his wings. first things first we are heading to heaven so you can learn history ,math,and point enlisting you and schools of Earth cuz they're pretty much useless for us eternals and we'll after that off to hell learn how to fight and defend yourself.which should take you roughly around 10 years and your body would aged as well but since time was different and hell as it is on Earth you probably end up becoming 21 by the time you get out of hell and as for heaven you don't age at all. as Lucifer's gleaned and smiled and explained. as a new father.

Sam was too busy enjoying the view of New York big and fast and has many islands and many grumpy people.Sam decided to look behind her and seen a metal armor flying towards her and Lucifer.a long with a man with a hammer and a lady with a red glow.Sam nudged Lucifer for him to see what was behind them.Lucifer look behind him and said "they just don't give up do they. oh well time to go straight to heaven and drop you off no time to go to the to do this no otherwise. I will end up dealing with these idiots for a very long time. I hope brother doesn't mind me having you there earlier then expected".Lucifer through Sam into the air.

Sam opened up her wings brace yourself for a bumpy Landing.instead of getting a mouthful of concrete. she ended up with a moth full of cloud instead.Sam pulled her head out of the clouds and found a big giant door made of pure gold with marble Stone Sam walked towards the door with every step she would bounce in the clouds .Sam decided to jump on each cloud like a trampoline but of course not all the fun the last. Sam got notice by one of the angels that were standing guard at a century point.Sam ran and hid into one of the softer clouds that she could hide in.and of course for Angels they found her within less than 5 Seconds they scooped her up and took her to one of the older siblings of the Angels.

older angel" what is going on Lucifer's daughter is not supposed to be here until tomorrow.where was she found." guard"we found her playing in the clouds using them as trampolines."older angel"all right I'll take care of her from now on. little one you can just call me a amenadiel.since you're human and no longer applies to you since you're no longer human so we are going to work on a new name for you and honestly Your Dragon don't get mad.anyways first things first language math all the normal things you're going to need on Earth.

at this point Sam has been in heaven for

about 2 months she had learned all of the basic needs for living on Earth.Sam also managed to improve on her musical skills and her flight skills.let's face it jumping the cloud cloud is fun but it gets boring.Plus you need to fly when you need to get some place in heaven. amenadiel"so we finally figured out what to call you. we're going to call you Sarah because one that pisses off Lucifer.for the second reason I don't think you're going to want to be called rainbow because of your's almost time for you to go to hell for five years.5 years is equal to 50 years in hell so yeah.bye-bye".a big hole opened up beneath Sam's feet and swallowed her whole taking her all the way to hell.

welcome back to hell this is where I'm going to teach you how to torture people without killing them and to fight. how to hide in plain sight and become a bounty hunter this is going to be fun.oh and you can call me Maz .50 years went fast. special you're learning from Maz. she finds a way to make it the time Sam realize that she couldn't even remember her real name when she was a human she took on the name Sarah that's the only one she remembered by this time Sarah could kick anybody's butt within five seconds of looking at them. maz Walked in saying "He's here to pick you up time to go back to Earth Give him hell kid. Literally".

Lucifer"Are you ready to go back to Earth?just to let you know some things have changed. the Earth has been things are not the way how they used to be. yes there are people with know the normal Gods and Monsters.I don't really have to worry about that considering you are pretty good hunting and hiding.I want you to stay at the bar for a bit so that you can get a good handle on how people are on earth now.oh yes and you're going to need to learn how to change your forum from Human to dragon and Back Again"sound fair.sounds very interesting to me. So yeah let's go.oh and I can already transform in between the two forms" said Sarah as she Whips out her wings out.