wings and scales

Sarah took off in a flash. Soon as she was high in the sky.She transformed herself into dragon form. Sarah's scales are dark plum and her fur was spit fire red.

(just fun info every time when Sarah it's her scales they change in whatever environment she is in.)

so old man can I go out and see the world and by the way I have all reddy have a good way to support my self. thanks to big sis and the uncle's teachings. not to mention all the dam magic to. Dragon magic and other fun stuff will any way are we done. I got a bounty hunting license to get my hands on.(Sarah said with a Big smirk)

all right I got the hint but if you need anything just give me a call anytime. your still my little girl. just don't get caught up in anything you can't get your self out of and for dad's sake leave the hero shit to the mortals.(Lucifer snarld)

fine dad I will but if they find me out I'll just come back to wait them out and if that doesn't work a dimensional home would work just as good. you know a little cubby hole in space and time. A little house a little white fence. the best spot to hide and wait for the next reset. besides playing hero is for the the rich have nothing to or the people with mommy and daddy issues and a God complex. besides I'll just sit there and just laugh my ass off and just watch them fall apart. for a good laugh.But as you say I have to be careful and stay off there radar. are we good?

Will all right you can go out in to the world and all but come home would you time to time ok and ace that bounty hunting license test. Ho and please do not kill the examer. maz got very close and let's just say he had a heart attack just the way she dressed.(as Lucifer shouted and Sarah ran out the door.)