Ways to learn about secrets, the Nancy way!

Nancy found it awkward to be with Samuel after he noticed her looking at him the other day. So, she quietly sneaked out of her house without letting anyone know.

During commuting, Nina would accompany them. And during college, Amy.

But she couldn't go outside on her own.

She felt the biggest success of her life as she went outside all alone. She loved her privacy. She walked down the block just for some fresh air. She thought she would return as soon as she cleared a few blocks.

However, she saw a familiar face, David. Veronica's ex, moreover, her martial arts clubmate. He was at the top of the class in his field of sports. 'Black-belt David' was famous across the campus.

She hadn't seen him in a while. So, she decided to talk. She wanted to know why he left Veronica.

They were friends too, so it was perfect.

"David!" She called him from a distance, waving towards him.

He turned back.

"Nancy?" He called her, wearing a black cap and hiding his blonde hair.

Nancy narrowed her eyes as she tried to recall an event. Her eyes went wide as she finally recalled it. She got goosebumps all over her body, not good ones, though.

She remembered when Sebastian pulled a gun at her, a young man came to assist him. 'Somewhat familiar young man.' she recalled as her hands started to shake.

Why didn't she notice? Why didn't she pay attention earlier? Nancy was confident about her fighting skills, but not in front of David.

If she had known he was the one accompanying Sebastian, she would've never called him out. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize how close he had come.

"What's wrong, Nancy?" He sounded concerned.

"H-Huh?" She was scared. "N-Nothing…" She wanted to play It as if she didn't know.

'Why am I scared? Why am I scared? Why am I scared?' Nancy thought to herself, trying to move away, but her legs remained fixed to the ground.

"What are you scared of?" He asked, his tone sounding different from usual.

Nancy was lost for words. He had figured it out already. He moved another step closer and raised his hand towards her hand, trying to grab it.

No. Stay away!

But she felt numb and couldn't move an inch.

She tightly closed her eyes when she felt a hand grabbing her hand, only to pull her backward. Her head touched someone's chest. At first, she was scared, but she realized it wasn't David.

"There you are, Nancy!" He said playfully. "Where did you run off to?" Samuel smiled at her as she looked upwards to find him holding her.

His smile looked fake, but Nancy was too scared to comment.

"…Who are you?" David asked, showing he was chatting with Nancy.

He couldn't recall the new professor. Maybe because he wasn't in the same department.

"Oh, I am Nancy's boyfriend," Samuel replied confidently. He had caught on, but his job was only to ensure Nancy's safety, not to eradicate her enemies.

He had forgotten that he was her college teacher as well.

Nancy was scared, yeah, alright… But what?!

Did he just say that without thinking twice? Maybe he doesn't know what being a boyfriend meant just like he didn't know what being besties meant.

Nancy face-palmed right there.

"Nancy, you were dating? And have we met before?" David most likely caught on. "Wait, aren't you the new professor?!"

Samuel paused his expressions for a while. Oh no. He did not just forget that, did he?

They couldn't even make something up, considering how he was holding her against himself.

But at least, David bought the story!

"And who would you be?"

"I'm David. Nancy's friend from martial arts class." He explained. "Guess I'll get going. Enjoy your date!"

With that, David left.

Nancy's legs were trembling as Samuel let go of her. She quickly reached for his scarred hands and grabbed them tightly.

She had just experienced the biggest backstab of her life. She must be shocked.

"Are you alright?" Samuel asked. "Why were you scared of a friend?"

Nancy didn't reply. She just held onto his hands even tighter. She didn't even pay attention to the countless scars on his hands.

Samuel didn't know he was present on the scene, as only Nancy had seen his face enough to make it out.

Good thing Samuel understood her. He didn't take her home but instead took her to a café. He thought a cup of coffee would calm her down.

"You sneaked out, right?" Samuel asked as he looked at her, sipping slowly on her Iced latte.

"Don't tell Mom, or I'll punch you." Nancy finally uttered.

Samuel sighed.

"Very well. You may punch me, and I may tell your mother."



"You're fired."

"You cannot fire me."

"Why not?"

"Because you never hired me. It was your father who did so. Only he has the right to remove me from my occupation."

"Why do you talk like this?"

"Do you dislike it?"

"No. Just curious."

"I am not certain."

"You weren't born here, right? Then where?"

"I do not know."

"How can you not know?"

"I do not remember…"

They talked very swiftly until he said he didn't remember.

"That is not the point here. I will be telling your mother that you snuck out without telling me and got yourself into trouble." He said.

"No! Please…" She whined.

"Then promise me that this will never happen again."

"Why should I?"

"Why should you not?"

Nancy looked down. Her iced latte was pale. Samuel's face seemed to be paler, though.

"Do you eat enough?" She asked.

"That does not answer my question." He spoke.

"Yeah, fine! Now answer my question!"

"Of course, I eat enough. Why do you need to know?"

"Because you're paler than my iced latte."

Samuel narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"I fail to understand. How can my complexion be compared with Iced Latte?" Samuel asked in his robotic tone, wanting to sound confused.

Nancy sighed.

"Just tell me why you're pale?" Nancy asked.

Samuel sipped his regular coffee as he looked at her. Raising an eyebrow in confusion, he didn't answer.

"I asked you something." Nancy was stubborn.

"I do not understand why you must ask a question unrelated to work." Samuel stood firm.

"I need to know. I can't have a stranger guard me." She had firm points too.

"Very well." He muttered before placing his cup down on the table.

"Yeah, yeah." She leaned forward towards the table in anticipation.

"I suffer from…" He hesitated. "Mental health issues." He looked away as if he regretted speaking about it. 

Nancy backed off as she heard something unexpected.

"What kind?" She asked bluntly.

Samuel blinked a few times.

"I believe your father has already interviewed me for the job criteria. You need not to ask me personal questions." Samuel answered politely.

Nancy scoffed.

"Fuck you too." She said before standing up.

She hated how he sugar-coated his negative words. Or, that's how she was interpreting it.

His eyes looked sleepy all the time so she guessed, out of all the issues, one must be insomnia.

Anyone could tell he was tired. Maybe of his life, too. She wanted to ask him more. However, she realized she needed reasons for every question she would ask him.

So, she gave herself time to think about him and herself. She thought if she had a reason, he would answer her.

She needed to know more about him. Only then would she be able to get the desired answers? At least she had a clear goal now.

"You're not coming with me." She said as she rushed out of the café.

Samuel followed her, keeping his distance.

Nancy knew he would do so. For some reason, she wouldn't stop smiling.

Even though she was pissed at him, it made her smile.

'Why are you smiling?' She asked herself as she lightly hit her lips for even smiling. Was Samuel's charm finally getting to her?

'No, no, no, no, no!' She hated the noise in her brain. She rushed towards her house only to find her mom ready to smack her with the century-old spatula that her Great-Great-Grandmothers used to smack their children with. She clenched her teeth.

"Samuel was with me! I promise!" She tried to make her believe.

Laura was a strict mother. Not because she wanted to be but because Nancy was way too spoiled. She was treated like a queen since birth by her father. She believed that spoiled her the most.

So, she called Samuel to find out if that was the case. Lucky for her, Samuel was a man of his word. Since Nancy promised never to sneak out again, Samuel kept his word and assured her mom that he was with her.

Everyone seemed to trust Samuel. Nancy wanted to know why. However, she was not going to ask her parents. Imagine how awkward it would be.

Her face would not speak her intentions. The only things that bothered her the most were her sudden change, Samuel's scars, and his overall personality. Nancy had never seen someone like him before.

She hated him as a bodyguard but not as a person. However, to get to know him, she must spend time with him.

The actions she despised.