Reports and Slaps... Irrelevant and relevant at the same time

An idea just popped up in Nancy's mind.

She could just look at her medical reports. If she could ace an accounting test that she had never seen, then she could probably understand medical documents as well.

Her parents kept it in the store room. It almost seemed like they didn't even want to try hiding it. Maybe they were too lazy to find a secure enough place where she wouldn't peak.

In their house, that place was nowhere.

When everyone fell asleep, Nancy made her way to the store room only to find all the cabinets locked. Well, her parents couldn't be that lazy now, right?

It was alright. She could guess where they would keep the keys. Most likely under the telephone. That's where they kept most of the keys.

She quickly checked under the telephone to find a bunch of keys. She took all of them.

Understanding her parents' mentality, she knew they would keep the documents in the highest cabinet, so it would be out of her reach.

However, recently intelligent Nancy was a step ahead of them, and like any normal person, she stood on top of a three-legged chair to get to the higher cabinets.

She tried several keys on several cabinets until one of them popped open. Fortunately, she found her reports.

She found reports not only from the hospital but also from the labs. She took all the reports, locked the cabinets again, put the keys in their designated location, and went back to bed as if she were the most innocent child of the Morgan Family.

She decided not to see the reports in her house as it would be dangerous. Not to mention, her younger sister Nina was just as evil. So, she would never let Nancy get away with something like that.

The next morning, before going to college, Nancy shoved all the reports into her bag. She would study them later in a café after college. Too bad Samuel would accompany her. However, she had plans for that, too.

She got into the car with Nina. Samuel first dropped Nina off at her school and then drove to college. They didn't talk at all.

When they reached college, the same panorama was in front of Nancy's eyes. All the girls were dying for Samuel, as usual. However, she stuck to him.

Because the last thing she wanted now was a clash with David. That was just off-limits. She would hang out with Samuel instead.

She decided not to tell Amy about the reports while they were eating in the cafeteria. She trusted Amy, but at that time, she was having trust issues with herself.

She did think that she would tell Amy at some point, may it be whatever she finds.

"How's Samuel going?" Amy asked out of the blue.

"I hate him," Nancy replied bluntly.

"You always say that and end up liking the person later on."

"I really don't like him."

Amy started to laugh. She was the mood-maker for sure. Her laugh was contagious.

"Why are you laughing?" Nancy asked as she laughed because of her.

"The 'I hate him' changed to 'I don't like him'. Soon it will change to 'I like him' and then 'I love him'." Amy explained "Ooh!! I ship you guys already." She added.

"Huh?" Nancy gave off a disgusted look. However, Amy's words did shake her heart a bit. After all, she was a human too. And Samuel was too handsome.

After college, Nancy demanded Samuel only drop Nina off at home as she wanted to study in a café. Samuel bought her story. They ended up in the same café as yesterday.

Samuel got a newspaper since he thought Nancy would be studying. He needed something to pass his time, too. Old people move, as Nancy would think.

Nancy, too, opened her books and pretended to study.

When she saw Samuel completely immersed in the newspaper, she took out the reports and hid them in between her books, still pretending to study.

Samuel noticed a bit. However, since he wasn't sure, he stayed quiet.

Nancy suddenly let out a huge gasp subconsciously.

Samuel looked at her with concern.

"Nancy, may I ask what you are reading?" He asked, slowly moving in to see.

"N-Nothing! It's none of your business." She replied as her words stuttered.

Samuel swiftly snatched the book from her hand to reveal the document. He was shocked to see them in her hand.

"Excuse me?! Give them back!" Nancy complained.

"Where did you get these from?" Samuel had a straight, neutral expression on his face, somewhat angry.

"I-It's none of your-" Nancy couldn't complete her sentence. His stare alone put her under pressure.

"Are your parents aware of this?" Samuel asked politely.

"Give them back. I wanna find out, okay? You can't stop me!" Nancy fought for herself.

"We shall hear your explanations and reasons in the car. I request you to pack your belongings this instant."

He looked angry, and she looked nervous. Since it was the first time she felt his anger, it made her nervous. Usually, her anger would swallow others first. But that wasn't the case with Samuel.

Quickly packing her belongings and thinking of gaining a favor from her 'mere' bodyguard, she followed him outside.

However, she refused to sit in the same car with him, unless he handed the reports over.

It was like a cowboy face-off. Nancy wanted the reports, and Samuel wanted to keep the reports away from her.

She slowly closed in on him to snatch the reports from his hand. Forgetting the fact that Samuel was 6 feet tall, she tried to reach for the documents that he raised even above the 6 feet scale.

Nancy was average herself, approximately 5 feet 5 inches. But it wasn't enough to snatch the documents away from his hands.

"Must you do this?" Samuel asked, being unfazed by her acts.

"Yes. Try putting yourself in my shoes." Nancy proposed while backing off, trying to get his sympathy.

"I understand where you are coming from. However, your ways are not acceptable." Samuel seemed to have lowered his guard.

Nancy nodded slowly. Samuel nodded slowly.

Nancy pretended to look away before quickly snatching the reports from his hands under his lowered guard and trying to run away.

But unfazed Samuel grabbed her wrist, failing her plan completely.

"Hand over the reports, and we can come up with a solution." Samuel stayed calm, gripping her wrist lightly. Light enough so she could break free if she tried.

And she did. She was fearless, though for a moment Samuel's stare stirred her up.

She was still fearless as she tried to break free, and eventually, she did.

Samuel blew air out slowly, keeping his patience intact.

Nancy took a few steps back as she analyzed the situation. Right now was her chance to run away.

She quickly turned back and made a run for it.

Samuel looked frail despite his well-built figure. He wouldn't be able to catch up with the great Nancy.

Or, she thought.

Today luck was not with her. Samuel caught up, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her back to get the documents. She took heavy, frantic breaths as she still resisted.

As soon as Samuel laid his hand on the documents, his other hand lost grip on her wrist. Nancy's reflexes, being all over the place, ended up discharging in the weirdest way possible.

As Samuel slowly grabbed the documents away from her hand, she panicked and landed a powerful slap on his face, making it bend and Nancy, out of his sight.

Gasping right away, it was her chance to escape. But her legs were trembling. She just slapped him. He would be angry. Even if she would escape from him right now, she would have to see him the next day, no matter what.

She swallowed the lump in her throat while he raised his head back up. He let out a big sigh as he quickly took the documents away from her hands.

She couldn't move an inch. He didn't even say anything to her. The look on his face was still neutral, like always.

He quietly grabbed her hand and guided her back to the car. Her hand trembled being gripped by his hand after what atrocities it had committed.

He opened the car door for her so she could get seated before getting inside himself.

He let out a big sigh before saying anything. She nervously clicked her heels against the car floor.

"Nancy." He politely called her to gain attention.

"S-Samuel…" She was way too nervous for someone who didn't think slapping a 'mere' bodyguard was a big deal.

"I shall be held accountable in your stead for the misplacement of these documents on the condition that you shall refrain from asking me about matters I am unable to answer." Samuel swiftly proposed.

One sentence. That was one sentence. Nancy didn't reply, trying to look stupid to indicate she couldn't understand him while she did.

"About your issues… Fret not. I shall solve each issue if you provide me with enough time to do so rather than stealing documents not meant for your eyes." Samuel said.

Did he just ignore that slap?

"Are… you not mad though?" Nancy's curiosity had no end.

"Why should I be mad?" Samuel asked bluntly.

"I.. uh… I hit you?" Nancy was confused at this point.

"Oh. I apologize for my incompetence in not being able to dodge your slap. You seemed to have lost control there. I failed to notice. My apologies."

Nancy was speechless.

How could someone be like that? If it had been anyone else, they would've sued Nancy. She kind of understood why he was the apple of everyone's eyes.

Not that she accepted him as a bodyguard, but she learned that he could be useful. It would be a waste to throw him away. He was such a nice guy, but she had to use him for her reasons. She just had to.

She had to earn more of his trust. However, the slap almost ruined everything. However, he was too nice to say anything. Maybe she wouldn't hate him as much anymore. After all, he was the most useful one around.