As Free as a Bird Chained to the Sky

All the delusions he had to hear every day rang in his head louder than ever. It was Samuel's birthday, and he was set free while his father baked a cake for his birthday.

Samuel was feeling better than yesterday. After an entire day without the tubes and the machinery, he felt a lot better.

He turned 10 years old today. It had been so long. It felt so long. It felt so unreal. Does this happen to people?

Do they suddenly disappear from the public eye, locked up in a lab, and suffer on their own? Does their father hurt them every day, saying it's for their good?

What was immortality anyway? Why did he need to be immortal?

Every day he felt as if death would be easier than how he was living. The nightmares weren't stopping, the wounds were deeper, and the lab made it worse.

Does this happen to people?

Samuel was tired, but he sat up on the bed. Maybe this was that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to run away for good.