
Samuel's destination was the US. After several hours of asking around, he ended up at the port. There were middle-aged men who all looked scary to even approach. He had cash on him, so he could just approach someone.

But he was scared they would ask him where his guardians were, given he was just a 10-year-old kid. So, getting a ride was more than impossible.

Drowning slowly in his thoughts, he bumped into someone, panicking right away.

"Pardon." Samuel stuttered, speaking French for the first time in years.

With his mother still alive, they would converse in French every day. But ever since her death, he hadn't seen an inch of the outside world.

"C'est bon." The middle-aged man he bumped into replied. "You don't seem French. Where are you from, kid?" The man picked up on his sloppy French right away.

Samuel didn't reply.

"Wrong question?" The man chuckled. "Where are you headed to?"

"… A-America." Samuel hesitantly muttered.