
"And you?" Samuel asked. "What kind of company have you had to be this way?" 

Bradley burst into laughter, slowly clapping his hands together as he cackled. 

"Great question." Bradley admired. "My company is you." He answered. "And yours, I." 

Samuel looked down at the ground at Bradley's calm yet horrifying words. 

"Private Jonathan needed only a single threat, and his ears and mouth, eyes and nose, hands and feet, wills and goals all started working for me," Bradley explained casually. "You see, trust is hard. 

You have to fight for it. Just as Samuel did to earn my earnest trust, you can't do that, Private. You just can't. This is why I think you ought to get punished today, no?" 

"Yes, Sir!" Private Joshua's voice trembled, but it replied. The feelings of guilt and mistrust dwelled over the Private after hearing about Private Jonathan's betrayal. 

"On your knees then."