A Polaroid Picture

"Son?" Julie smiled as she blinked in confusion. 

"I adopted him," Roth explained. 

Julie narrowed her eyes as she looked at Samuel. He was dressed in formal clothes, possibly from a rich family. She stepped aside from the doorway, making way for the two. Roth nervously smiled and guided Samuel inside. 

Samuel stepped inside the house and blinked a few times. Contrary to Roth's personality, the house was relatively clean and organized. Maybe because of his wife. Even though there was a child inside the house, it was spotlessly clean, as if Julie knew they'd be having someone over… permanently. 

"Sit down, you two," Julie said as she pointed towards the lounge sofas and walked towards the kitchen. "You have a lot of explaining to do!" Her tone was calm and collected despite her man bringing a boy back home out of nowhere. 

Roth smiled at Samuel. 

"Don't worry, she's just confused," Roth assured the boy.