Eat Up and Eat Lots

Samuel quickly jumped out of bed when he realized that he was supposed to meet Private Joshua's wife if he ever got out of the military. Now that he was out, he could probably go see her. He didn't know why, but he wanted to express his gratitude and apologize for her loss. As he still blamed himself for the death, he wanted to go meet her. 

Samuel left his room slowly and walked down the stairs. He tiptoed his way down the stairs, being conscious of the fact that he was in someone else's house at the moment. Samuel slowly walked towards the lounge and saw Roth and his wife seated on the sofas with cups of coffee. Roth was reading a newspaper, and his wife, Julie was watching morning shows on TV. 

Samuel quietly walked up to the lounge door and knocked on his door politely. Roth turned his head around to see Samuel and passed a smile. 

"Come on in, Samuel," Roth said cheerfully.