
Marco looked at Nancy hopelessly, shrugging. Nancy shrugged back in hope confidently. 

"If you can help me level up, and we can all go together, we can find so much stuff. Not just about Sebastian and cornering him but like… About you, too." Nancy looked at Samuel. "Please? Samuel, maybe we can find something about you. Maybe we can cure-" 

"I cannot allow that." Samuel interrupted her before she could finish. 

"But you're hurt!" Nancy complained in concern. "You get hurt every single day!" 

"And since when was that your concern?" Samuel asked. "My health is none of your business. I would rather appreciate it if you mind your own business." 

Nancy scoffed. Not only was this man neglecting her trust, but also her will to help. She had been trying to understand and help him in her way, but he was ignoring all of that. Just because his top priority was her protection.