Wanting To Uncover

"This is really good, woah!" Nancy exclaimed.

Samuel nodded before also going in for a bite. His expression remained the same as Nancy looked at him for a reaction. 

"Doesn't this like… tingle the taste buds? Why do you look like you saw a ghost?" Nancy complained at his blunt reaction. 

Samuel shook his head as he chewed slowly. Nancy narrowed her eyes and raised her eyebrows in confusion. 

"You're very weird," Nancy said. 

"I get that a lot," Samuel replied. 

"No shit." 

Nancy started browsing through her social media while eating, her eyes still moving about Samuel's blunt reaction as he continued to eat his meal. 

"You eat like it's a chore," Nancy complained. 

"Which it is," Samuel added. 

Nancy narrowed her eyes at him, focusing on his expression. 

{Hint: The system can level up if the host continues to converse with the specimen in question.}