
Amy tried to scream under the hand that covered her mouth efficiently. The unknown man dragged her inside the door at the end of the bookshelf rows. He turned her around to show his face. 

"Marco!" Amy whispered in fear. 

"Shh," Marco slowly closed the door behind them. 

They heard footsteps closing in on the room, causing absolute panic in Amy, and making her look around for a way to escape. But Marco held her arms tighter and looked at her calmly. 

"There's a window there." Marco looked to his left. "Do you think you can climb down?" 

Amy frantically nodded. The footsteps were getting closer and closer. Marco grabbed Amy's hand and walked her out to the window, sliding it open. He picked her up by her waist and gently lifted her out the window, where she put her feet on the fire escape stairs, which happened to be there by luck. Marco quickly followed up as soon as the door opened, and they both frantically ran downstairs.