
Samuel walked back towards the outdoor table Judy was seated at and sat next to her with the two ice creams in his hand. 

He placed her ice cream cup in front of her on the table; today she was eating cheesecake and raspberry ice cream with some custom toppings. 

"Yay!" Judy exclaimed and clapped in joy before grabbing a hold of the cup and the small spoon sticking out of it. She scooped a spoonful into her mouth. "Mmm!" She closed her eyes tightly. "So cold!" 

She turned her gaze over to Samuel's cup. 

"Of course," Judy murmured after licking her spoon off. "Most people like you like mint choco, no?" 

"I do not think so." Samuel shook his head, taking a spoonful of his mint chocolate chip ice cream. "Besides, I think I would like you to elaborate on what you mean by 'most people like me'. I want to know." 

Despite avoiding ice cream in winter, Samuel always had it with Judy as a means of compensation for not being around.