DAY 3 - Memories (pt. 1)

Samuel opened his eyes, still lying on the bed thinking about everything that had occurred yesterday. He sat up on his bed and looked at the suitcases he had been packing the entire night. He had laid down on the bed just 10 minutes ago, and his alarm had rung already. It was 8 AM again. 

He stood up from his bed to freshen up, then headed towards his kitchen for his morning coffee. He grabbed the jar of coffee beans from the cupboard and then looked at it. He was having too much caffeine. 

He placed the coffee beans back inside. It wasn't like he wouldn't get coffee in the military. There was no need to abuse its use here. Samuel turned around to walk towards the refrigerator to grab fruit juice from inside. He poured it into a glass and walked out to the balcony again, sipping the juice slowly.