The Tyrant Superior

Petrenko burst into a series of chuckles and wheezes, which he slowly ate up when he noticed the seriousness on Samuel's face. He cleared his throat in nervousness when Samuel's expression didn't change over a few minutes. 

"Nancy Morgan, huh?" Petrenko chuckled. "I should've seen it coming." 

"Pardon?" Samuel raised an eyebrow. 

"I mean, I should've known that a favor would never be about you… Unfortunately." Petrenko said as he smiled. 

Samuel slightly chuckled, seeing that Petrenko had read him too well. Well, he was a 93-year-old man, probably more experienced in every aspect of life than anyone that Samuel could ever have come across. 

"I will protect her. Sure." Petrenko nodded. "Where can I find her?" He asked in all seriousness.