Only Bitter

Mikhail tailed Roth without being noticed, walking in between the crowded river bank park, not sure where Roth was headed. Mikhail had been following Roth for about 40 minutes now. Yet they hadn't reached a specific destination. What if Roth knew Mikhail had been following him, so he was putting up a show? 

Without knowing the outcome, Mikhail kept following Roth as a last resort. There was no other option, no other coordinates for him to follow. The darkness of the evening was slowly getting stronger when Roth finally turned to an alley. Mikhail was able to leave the crowd as well, but now he had to be extra careful. Tiptoeing meters behind Roth's dark silhouette, Mikhail kept his eyes on him so he would not lose him. Roth stopped right before the end of the alley which opened up to a road. He turned to the left, knocked at an alleged door, and stood still. The door didn't seem to open at his knocking, though.