
"My turn?" Sebastian grinned. 

Roth's eyes widened, and he frantically looked at Samuel, staring back at him. He threw the gun across the room, past Sebastian, and grabbed the buckle of the remaining leather strap keeping Samuel tied to the bed. Roth pulled the belt with all his strength, allowing Samuel to break free. As Samuel sat up according to his reflexes, Sebastian grabbed Roth's head just then and slammed it on the side of the bed. 

If he had reacted earlier, he would've been able to keep Samuel intact, but now he had jumped out of the bed. 

Mikhail quickly fired toward Sebastian, acknowledging the fact that even if he shot at Sebastian, he wouldn't die or feel pain. The bullet went straight into Sebastian's shoulder, and Samuel was able to run to Mikhail in the meantime. 

Roth lost consciousness right after the hit, so he lay next to where Sebastian stood. Sebastian stared disgustedly at Mikhail.