A Grave Sin

[Trigger Warning: Mentions of s*ic*de. Read at your own discretion.]

Samuel turned his head toward her and looked up at her, still demanding an explanation for her peculiar words. Nancy looked down at him with a straight face, unable to explain herself. She looked away, turned around, and walked away from him. Her face burnt in all shades of crimson as she made her way to the lounge and sat down on the couch. 

Samuel slowly stood up and collected the plates to put them away in the dishwasher. After his timely chore, he walked straight toward Nancy. 

"By 'we', I suppose I meant the two of us," Samuel said. "What seems to be concerning you?" He asked politely, thinking he said something wrong. 

"As in literally we?" Nancy asked with a pout, "Or the literary we?" 

Samuel broke into a soft chuckle, "How do you differ between the two?"