Tickets To Heaven

[Trigger Warning: Mentions of s*ic*de. Read at your own discretion.]

Strolling across the streets and small talk was no longer a part of their routines, not when the man in question would die in under 24 hours. 

Nancy and Samuel had already boarded the plane. There was no going back. Bradley's funeral was going to be held at noon. Nancy had informed everybody that she had successfully found Samuel, right before putting her phone on airplane mode. They were excited; they didn't know what awaited them. 

"We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays be in the upright position for take-off." 

Nancy nervously reached out for Samuel's hand and interlocked her fingers with his. He looked at her calmly, locking his hand in response. 

"Are you afraid?"