Chapter 3: Past Experiences and Future Consequences

***Allison's POV***

A terrifying scream came from over Ryan's classroom but it doesn't sound like him... what's going on?!

I was at the door when I saw Alex on the ground with a bleeding leg with Theo applying pressure on it. .....Blood.... time felt like it had stopped all I was hearing was my heart beating against my chest as if it wants to escape. How is he bleeding?! what the hell happened?!

"please get the nurse down here" Theo pleaded turning to me at this point, stepping back I saw a small crowd beginning to form with kids muttering and taking pictures but I'm terrified staring at Alex's bloody leg. Voices started to get distorted and the air felt heavy. I couldn't breathe there was so much Blood!

Scenes from that night began flooding back to me all the blood, the screaming, the deranged look in his eyes, I thought I was over it. I thought I had moved on. My eyes began to sting with tears as I threw up. Why?! why did all this choose to come back now?!

The crazed look in his eyes, his blood stained hands, the lifeless corpse on the floor all came flooding back to me at once like a tidal wave. The last thing I remember was Ryan's concerned expression shaking and calling out to me before everything went black and all the students calls and voices fades off into the distance.


Ryan's POV***


The hell she just fainted for is she afraid of blood or something. "Allison!! Allison wake up!!!" I called out to her shaking her slightly when the nurse, two security members and the principal came running towards us.

" Quickly get him to the infirmary at once and call an ambulance! " the nurse demanding upon seeing the situation " you bring her to the infirmary as well" she stated looking at me

" Everyone get to class now!" Principle Williams demanded. " if you have class here go to the library for the time being. Anyone caught skipping will be suspended for three days" he added.

"and you" he glared at Jason "get the hell to my office right NOW!!"


Arriving at the infirmary the nurse began cleaning Alex's wound to which he hissed in pain. What a damn wuss she barely even touched him and he's acting like a lil bitch already. Granted he had a decent size injury on his leg so I won't hold it over him....for now

" You don't need to worry it's not a deep or serious wound it should heal up quite fine but still get it checked at the hospital" she said smiling at him. "I still would like to know what lead up to this....." she continued sitting back in her chair and crossing her left leg over her right

"it's that psycho Jason that caused all this" Alex hissed

"Oh cut the crap you asshole" I chimed in "apart from looking like shit you don't need to say it. We both know that you and your butt buddy were the assailants in this situation and your injury is a result of your decision" I finished with a eyeroll

I wasn't friends with Jason not even close but its the stupid 'hierarchy' in this school due to that retarded principals rule. To him sports are more valuable than academics so the stupid jocks tend to get special treatments because of this. The ass just looked uglier as his face became red with anger

"I didn't do him anything he just snapped like the freak he is and attacked me" he pleaded with Ms. Smith "my father will make sure he gets exactly what's coming for him" he smirked

"Ms. Smith I think we're looking at the wrong injury" i dead panned. Miss smith who were periodically jotting down notes while listening to us looked up and me with a raised eyebrow

"How so?"

"its his brain" I trailed "guys got the brain capacity of a 2 year old and the reasoning abilities of a wall" and that earned a small and barely audible chuckle from Ms. Smith and a even uglier shade of red on Alex's face. Damn red does NOT suite this guy. Like at all.

"I mean think about it, look at the positioning of the wound...." I trialed "that angle can only have been made if the blade user was below the victim and as you saw when you arrived Alex was right beside Jason who was still on the ground closing him in with the board behind him wile Theo was to the other side"

"What are you trying to say her Mr. LeBlanc"

"I'm saying that even if what the dick said was true why would Jason aim so far below? if he did have a mental break why did he drop himself to the ground THEN attack? why not attack while standing that would've been more damaging. Also saying that Jason did drop himself to the ground why would Alex and Theo be standing basically on top of him?" I continued "that still doesn't explain Jason being injured so his story doesn't line up, but what do I know we just have to wait and see what Tweedledumb said to the principal before wee can say whether or not Tweedle-dee here is lying of telling the truth" I finished sighing and looking down at the still unconscious Allison

Alex's earlier anger was instantly replaced by a look of shock and at the same time the paramedics arrived to take him to the hospital and Ms. Smith biding me goodbye to give her report to the principal as well as to call the respective parents. Leaving me alone in the room to watch over Allison. But not long after she woke up screaming and crying while drenched in cold sweat. Her breathing was labored and her eyes wide in panic she was clenching the front of her shirt so tight that her knuckles were white

"hey hey hey calm down ok, your alright. Everything's alright" I said surprising myself and making my way to her side from the desk I was at, pulling her into a side hug. The look on her face was nothing short of horror. Her entire frame was shaking and her breathing even more labored its like she was not even here but somewhere no one can reach her

"he did it" she mumbled "they're gone and its all his fault!" she cried clenching her chest tighter "I hate him!! I hate him so fucking much it hurts!!" she cried even harder

"who??" I asked hugging her tighter as she tuned to bury her face in my chest and kept on crying. Seeing he like this was a slap in the face cause I always saw her as a happy go lucky popular pretty girl who everyone liked and envy but now she looked like a train wreck "I take that back you don't have to explain its clearly bothering you a lot right now so just calm down first ok?" I soothed rubbing small circles on her back

"my dad..." she trailed "he found out that she cheated on him with his brother five years ago and that I wasn't his real daughter and my brother wasn't his real son and he lost it" she continued and I stayed silent just rubbing her back to try to help calm her down "he was screaming at her and throwing stuff and when he got home and just took out his shotgun and-" she continued while her voice broke as tears began to fall harder

"Its ok you don't have to say anymore"

"its just... its just that I thought I got over it but seeing Alex like that flooded my mind with scenes from that day that.... I thought I was over it "

"you don't just get over something as traumatic as that it needs time to heal. You need time to heal you don't have to rush anything just take it slow and breathe" to which she actually listened and took in a shaky breath

"I'm sorry" she mumbled against my shirt

"don't apologize it was nothing" I smiled down at her and then the door sung open revealing a very irritated Principal

"In my office now both of you!!' he demanded before slamming the door shut and leaving. He actually came just to say that alone and then just left....just like that, seriously.....

Allison pulled away from me and stood up making her way to the desk I was previously at to take up some tissues to wipe her eyes and nose before flashing me one of trademark smiles "lets go before he gets even angrier" she said before leaving the room. Feeling uneasy about the conversation we just had I left the room following her to the office where a screaming match was raging on with the principal trying to quell things. Well this should be fun I thought as soon as we both stepped into the waiting room of the main office and knocking on the door before opening it to reveal a rather unsettling sight.


Again if u like the book and have any thoughts or predictions or anything at all just leave a comment down below!
