Chapter 2: Strange Behavior

Pulling into Lexi's empty driveway made me realized that her parents weren't home, that or they didn't drive.

"L-Lexi I really think it'll be better if we go to a internet cafe or something" I stated turning the ignition off

" I told you to get your mind out of the damn gutter already you perv" Lexi snapped before getting out of the car

" I just don't want your stupid fan club coming after me if they knew that I was alone at your house with you" I replied catching up to her as soon as she opened the front door

Stepping inside revealed drawings that appear to be a kids drawing of dinosaurs volcanoes and other things, well it's either a kids drawing or Lexi is a horrible artist. We made our way into the living room to see a older woman sitting on the couch with two children sitting on either side of her looking down at an iPad she had laying in her lap.

Noticing us enter the living room the boy sitting on her right side jumped up running over to Lexi hugging her then glaring at me. The hell is this brats deal. I started glaring back at him then he stuck his tongue out a buried his face into Lexi's waist.

"Never knew you were a mom of twin's" I said with a smirk noticing the girl looking over at us that looked just like the little boy. Lexi gave me a glare that if looks could kill I would've died a thousand times over.

"Whatever.... We will be starting the project up in my bedroom" she said walking with the little boy by her side to the stairs that was behind the couch. " Carol could you watch the kids a little while longer for me while I get some work done?" she asked looking over to the woman who was sitting in the same spot with the little girl by her side.

"yeah sure take your time" Carol replied with a slight smile "come on Leo your sister has work she needs to do" Carol said softly. Leo agreed then let go of Lexi and made his way over to Carol on the couch but not before glaring at me one more time to which I obviously glared back at him.

The rest of the evening went by relatively smoothly. We were able to start the project and make good progress doing so. Carol brought us some snacks and lemonade while we worked and I swear I saw Leo behind her glaring at me, like seriously what is this kids deal.


At school the next day Lexi ambushed me at my car as soon as I got out. What is with these Clarke's I just want a normal peaceful senior year before bidding good riddance to this god awful town. "hey I won't be able to meet you guys after school today cause something important came up" she said as I got out the car.

"oh did you guys plan this or something?" I asked annoyance evident in my tone

"what are you going on about?" Lexi asked annoyed while grabbing my arm stopping my in my tracks towards the school. "I just have an emergency today is all I'll be able to help you guys after its done" she continued. As soon as she was done talking Allison made her way over to my car.

"I'm truly sorry for skipping yesterday something urgent came up but hopefully that won't happen again" she said as she reached us smiling a sickeningly sweet smile.

" oh wow no worries it's not like this grade isn't worth literally half of our average for the class" I replied sarcastically to which a look of guilt and shame took over Allison's face

" I didn't mean to..."

" What is your problem?!" Lexi fumed from beside me cutting Allison off " we're sorry that we have emergencies coming up or that we don't have lives outside of school like you okay! but everyone here care about their grades and we didn't get into the advance placement on accident!" she finished before storming off. Great now the whole school will be talking about me and I'm pretty sure her stupid fan club of idiots will be targeting me even more now

Allison stood there looking lost as if not knowing if she should stay or leave. talk or keep quiet. "Listen sorry for going off on you like that I guess" I said scratching the back of my neck walking inside of the school building and towards my first class which was French.

"I get what you mean and don't worry about me sorry for ditching yesterday again" she replied catching up to me to head to her next class which was beside mine.

I sighed finding a seat at the back of the classroom upon arriving. No one was here yet seeing as class won't be starting for another ten minutes. Sighing I pulled out my dictionary and binder while waiting for the teacher to arrive and then I just got lost in my head staring at a blank page in my binder. A loud thud pulled me from my thoughts and I looked up to see Jason getting up off the ground holding onto the board for support with Theo and Alex looming over him with sinister looks on their faces.

"Hey Jason ma boy what's up did u finish the thing I asked for?" Theo ask in a stupidly sweet voice

"fuck off I already told you I'm not doing shit for you assholes" Jason spat glaring up at the two larger boys over him. Alex punched him in his stomach making I'm fall back down on his side in pain.

"come on Jason you know where this is going don't you" Theo laughed

"you just have to do as we say and everything will be fine" Alex chimed in.

The fact that these ass lickers haven't noticed me yet was astounding, guess they never expected anyone to be here seeing as class isn't starting for an additional eight minutes now. But I never knew Jason was being bullied I mean it made sense now that I look at it but these guys are assholes.

I got up from my seat making my presence know to everyone in the room "who the fuck is you?" Theo spat sinisterly at me

"who I am is irrelevant right now so why don't you two fuck off and leave him alone" I spat back in a demanding tone then the next thing I heard was a blood curdling scream followed by a small stream of blood which was gradually getting bigger behind Theo. Jason rose from the ground and Alex took his place down there, hands covering his right leg which was bleeding profoundly. What the fuck did he do to him?!


Thanks for reading!! if you like this chapter and would want to see more share, comment and vote it means a lot to me and motivate me to write more and faster.
