Arriving in Fuyuki

Morgan was quite...baffled? When she started reading about herself from Panhuman history.

A very desperate woman, something similar to what she remembered from memories she inherited. Nonetheless not a Queen like her. But, still, her schemes ended the rule of the Red Dragon.

No plot hatched by Merlin and Uther will work, she knows that better than anyone.

Even so, the desperation of her counterpart was something she did not expect to this level.

From having children which she never thought she would have, to creating a clone of the Red Dragon.

In the end, the clone one ended the so-called Utopia which the mere thought made her want to puke.

After finishing another book about Britains myths she closed it and looked at her Husband, Master and King who was sitting next to her.

Renias 'Ren' Ashwell, the fifth generation Magus from a family which is on the rise thanks to his advancements in the art of Homunculi and Runecraft.

Most importantly he was Sorcerer who was born with First True Magic, something which extremely, extremely rare no matter the place, even she spends centuries learning her magecraft and it was not on that level! And it did hurt her pride, not by much because he is her Husband after all!

Yet, what she remembered about First True Magic is that to get it one needs to reach the Akasha, same with Third, while Second, Fourth and Fifth are the means to reach Akasha.

This means her Husband has already reached the Akasha… but, how? He was born with it?

Does his soul somehow went there?

All of this made her feel an emotion she never thought she will feel again, and that is growing curiosity.

'Well, no matter, I will learn all of your secrets! I always get things my way, and you, my dear Husband are not an exception.' She thought with a small growing smile on her face.

"Well, you have finished them what do you think?" Ren asked her without even looking away from his book.

"That I started to… dislike Panhuman history even more than before? You going to allow me to curse it without objection, correct?" The witch said with a small amount of anger, if it was her old self she would have already killed everyone on the plane they are in right now.

But, that Morgan was her past, she long ago outgrew such tendencies… after all, she is a Queen.

"And how do you suggest to 'Curse Panhuman History'?" He asked that while closing his book and then looking at her.

"Well…" She thought for a second.

"First would be erasing all of knowledge about Red Dragon's myth…" Morgan said with a thoughtful look.


"Arthur's myth is far too engraved into regular human psyche, Knight is synonymous with your little sister Caster," Ren casually explained.

The pale blond witch frowned after hearing that.

"Hmm, that is… quite annoying, then a mass memory wipe?" The Queen of Fairies seriously offered to him.

With a proper amount of preparation, Ren could do that with Morgan. But, that would attract Counter Force...

He sighed once more and casually created a piece of paper and a pen.

"Let me explain to you something about Second Magic, maybe you will find it… interesting." 

His words immediately got her attention, not that she will tell him that.

Ren drew a tree on the paper and started to explain.

"What you call panhuman history is the main history of the world, the world main time flow is what you call this tree trunk, all the alternative timeline which are quite similar are these branches…." He then highlighted them.

"The more these alternatives are different from the main the further they go from the main trunk…" he drew the branches out even more.

"Do you know what happens to these alternative lines?" He asked her.

"They get erased by the world." She answered very casually because she already experienced that.

"Yes, I suppose you know about it because your history is from outside of this tree trunk." He said that as he drew a bubble outside the tree and wrote 'Fairy Britain' on it.

"The moment we do something drastic Counter Force and possibility of Pruning can happen."

"Arthur's legend is a 'key' history moment for western civilisation." Ray then drew multiple points on the tree trunk.

"In other words, if we do something 'drastic' like mass mind wipe we will get into trouble with Alaya's pet dogs." 

"While we could use less bothersome method and try getting Second Magic." 


"Husband… you are the first individual I heard whoever said that. I find getting in trouble with Counter Force much more easier than getting Second Magic." The Queen of Fairies said that while looking at the tree description, she has heard some points of this before, but never in such detail.

"Does this mean you wish to use the Grail to get the Second Magic?" She asked after realising something.

"No, I will wish for Third." Ren shook his head before clarifying to her.

"Heaven's Feel?" She said while waiting for him to clarify.

"Correct, Heaven's Feel will give me an even greater type of immortality and even greater access to unlimited Prana, most importantly I have access to Throne Of Heroes." He said with a smirk.

"And why do you need that much power?" She asked with barely hidden curiosity.

"To start a new age." He said that borderline shrug.

"The Age of Magic, as the way humanity is right now regular human will destroy the nature irreversibly around the year 2050," Ren explained to her seriously while looking through the window of the plane at the clouds.

"Oh… that's ambitious… where I ruled a country… you want to rule the whole world…" She said that while realising what he will do, no wonder he summoned her!

"Yes, I found your… fascination with single country… stale… once you got control of it you have fallen into stagnation, that's what all Human Empires do as well, they expand, consolidate and then start to fall into decadence before falling apart and disappearing into history books… the key of not doing that is to expand, and evolve and never look back." Once he finished saying that the witch looked at him very intensively.

Morgan didn't like the 'jab' at her. But, she understood what he meant, all this time she never had a 'Conqueror' mindset she was satisfied with her lands…

But, controlling the world? Being Queen of the World? That moment real excitement started to bubble in her stomach.

"This… wish of yours… is something I can get behind." She tried to sound serious and not too excited, pity that she didn't realise that her pale skin is very susceptible to simple blushes. 

While Ren noticed her small blush easily, he was wondering just how much he did affected the Fairy Queen.

Having the woman who can quite casually spam the legendary spear as a simple spell is something he would want to have on his side full time and not just for a single war.

"Anyway let me explain how Second Magic works…" He drew a circle around the whole tree.

"The most direct and simplest explanation is that It allows one to travel anywhere on this tree," Ren tapped with his pen on the paper.

"That, of course, is just the bare bones of what it can do. There is much more than that to it." 

After telling that he looked at his servant but, she was staring at his drawing with wide eyes.

"You...just said 'This tree'... That means there are many more does it?" Morgan said with realisation same time she knew that it's true, very high possibility!

"Let's just say that this is just a single, small tree in a massive forest," Ren said with a smile to which Morgan knew in her very bones that he knows much more than he lets her know, and that just made her even more excited!

A very thin smile appeared on her face, which he by chance missed seeing.

'This is so, very exciting! hmm, pity that I can't show any emotions to him since I am a Queen…' After all, Morgan will never go against self-made promises, as it will damage her pride… But, this doesn't mean her husband can't make her…

And so, for the first time in a very long time, she started to scheme…


Their plane finally landed in the closest airport to Fuyuki one, the reason is very simple…

There is a high possibility that any Master or his or hers familiar are watching the airport.

That's why he not only has chosen to travel from California. But, to the city next door as well.

Same time he did wanted to see the USA... Let's just say that Morgan was not impressed by how many people live on the planet.

Even if she is considered an evil counterpart of Vivian, she was still a Fairy, and Fairies are well connected to nature, and none of the big cities they saw has a large amount of nature.

Each time they saw a large city she asked if she can curse the city population.

To which he once again had to tell her not to.

After arriving in Japan they were greeted by several of Ren's homunculus, as they arrived in Japan several weeks before him in preparations of the Grail War.

Less than a few hours later they arrived at Fuyuki city, their destination was a mansion just in outskirts of the town.

"Why not a castle husband? You expect a Queen to live in a mansion?" She asked in a nearly pouting look.

"Didn't have time for a castle, and besides I did not expected to summon a Queen." He honestly did not expect to summon Fairy Queen Morgan of all things…

How on earth one would expect to summon someone who doesn't exist in proper history?

It would be easier to summon Ishtar with a proper vessel or even Altria Lancer who comes from parallel history…

But, someone not even related to history? The only explanation that comes to his mind is the amount of energy he pumped into a circle…

He should have summoned 'regular' Morgan because the staff was hers, but in the end, the only conclusion he came up with is that the energy he used was too much for regular one's Saint Glyph, so the Throne picked the one which can sustain the power she was receiving…

In the end, nothing is better than a proper overkill, he kind of almost pity his opponents.

And hopefully, the servants and their masters are canon to Fourth War, the more he can use his knowledge the better.

"Let's go Caster I will show the mansion before we start proper preparation for the war." Ren motioned for the pale blond witch to follow him.

"Of course, Husband…" She nodded at him for her the war is pretty much a foregone conclusion, with her here and with a master who can support her massive requirements of Prana, she can wipe the whole country from the face of the planet if need be.

Both of them entered through the main doors as he started to show all the rooms, living rooms, kitchen areas...

Most importantly she asked where will he be living.

It kind of sends shivers down his spine, as there was something in her icy blue eyes which he can't put his finger on.

Thankfully he remembered that this Morgan has stopped doing the casual schemes and instead started just blasting everyone and everything with her version of Rhongomyniad…

Still, it didn't make him feel relieved, as he got a slight flashback at what he saw on the plane.

To get this much reaction from a woman who is supposed to discard her emotions so that she could focus on ruling is something else…


"And this is my workshop for this war." I brought Caster to basement level, it was stretching at least three times more than the mansion is.

Morgan eyes slightly widened seeing all the glass containers holding growing Homunculi there.

"They… they emit prana that of Servant level!" She said with disbelieve, Homunculi with servant level magic circuits!?

What kind of sorcery is this?

"Isn't… this overkill?" 

Never thought she will says that! But, they are only facing 6 other Servants! She is more than enough to deal with it!

"This is more for a specific ritual than anything else…" Ren said while shaking his head.

"You see, Caster… the Grail is corrupted, and I need it to be cleansed before I can ask for Third Magic." He explained to her.

"I see… but, now you have me… I can help you husband." She said with an almost purring voice after seeing the army.

"Ah, yes… you can give them a 'name'?"

"So, you know? You know about my Round Table?" She asked curiously.

"Yes, the Fairy Knights." He answered with a nod.

"Correct, while I can't turn these into fully-fledged Knights, I can give them Fae status." She slightly smiled while saying that.

And Ren smile in turn.

"I would appreciate that."

After hearing that, Morgan smile increase even further.

"It will be my pleasure~"


(3/5 Chapters)

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