
Watching Morgan do her magecraft was art on its own.

Still, it make me think, giving beings the status of Fae, make them quite powerful, not only they will have several bonuses, plus the ability to walk on water because Morgan is considered the evil side of Vivian.

The more I thought about the benefits of Fae the more I realised just how broken my Caster is.

"With this… our foot soldiers will be that of low tier Servant level." The pale blond witch said to him.

Not only they will have raw power. But, they will have magical means of Servant too.

"Yes, now to program them." I sighed, realising how much work this will take.

"Hmm, you should get some helpers with this my husband." Her blue eyes looked at me with some sort of emotion dancing there.

"It's not that easy, my programming of Homunculi is unique to me, it's not going to be easy to add a new thought process with regards to Fae capacities." 

"Then why not make them naturally learn it?" She asked me, not seeing my point.

"Because my Queen, natural path leads to unforeseen developments," I said seriously while remembering the Apocrypha.

"My... I did not expect my Husband to be this... controlling." She said while realising what I meant.

"Hmm, I doubt you delved in Homunculi art?" I asked while trying to recall if this Morgan delved in that.

"No, I did not, I found no need. My power by that point surpassed everyone by landslide." The Queen shook her head.

"Yes, I can see that, nonetheless, leaving to nature is a gamble, and I don't gamble. It's either I do or not, even if it means doubling the amount of work I put." I said that while checking the homunculi.

"Imagine, your power rebelling against you," I said that while waiting for her expression.

Morgan for a second paled, something like that probably never crossed her mind.

"I see your point… then, do what needs to be done, Husband." She seriously said that while looking at Homunculi containers, for a second I felt like they were her most hateful…no, Morgan doesn't hate anymore. No, she dislikes them now.

"Already plan to do that. Before that, we need to set up surveillance and defences." I said with a knowing look.

"It will be my pleasure, Husband, witness the power of your Queen." She said that while turning around, the very next second she disappeared with a greenish-blue glow.

Not long after that, I felt a boundary field already spreading through the place.

'She works fast…'

This made me think, while Morgan is not from Age of Gods, she is neither from Age of Heroes. Well, technically the regular one is from Age of Heroes same with Arturia, but this one? This one I believe falls into the Age of Fairies category, the most…mysterious age I believe.

Not long after the first boundary appeared several more quickly came up, one after another.

Morgan was not fooling around, her territory creation got powered up further thanks to Caster class.

Right...she even has EX for Item creation…

Heh, maybe I could get some ideas for mystic code creation? 

Arming my Homunculi with pseudo-Noble Phantasm?

Hmm, that can wait, first we need to survey the city perimeter.

And prepare the docks for a trap… In the end, only King Of Heroes is the most dangerous threat.

Once he is delved with only Rider can put up some resistance with his army…

That is if everything is going according to the canon.

I didn't stay long in the workshop as I walked back up in the living room, where I found my Caster doing something.

It's still surreal to see the Fairy Queen herself around, I could understand Saber or any other regular servant. But, someone from Lostbelt?

Still, mind-boggling experience…

"Husband, I have prepared the boundary field, henceforth we are invisible, I even prepared the mist," Morgan explained casually.

"The mist… the same mist which makes people simply forget things?" I asked with utter bafflement.

"The very same one, no one will find us here, Husband. While I prefer a castle this mansion will do for now. But, as your Queen, I demand a castle!" She said quite seriously.

"I will see what I can do about the castle, Caster. For now, we need a means for surveillance, which animals do you use?" I asked thinking which animal does she use.

Morgan for a second had an amused look, hearing my question.

"I suppose regular caster would use some sort of animal for surveillance. I am not one of those, Husband." She shook her head.

"I am Queen Of Fairies, nature itself is my tool, any animals will help me in this regard, even water, especially the water…" She said that while remembering something, as Morgan looked at me for a second.

"Caster?" I asked with confusion, she took several steps and got into my personal space.

I raised my eyebrow at her while she waited for me to do something.

"Husband, I am waiting." She said that looking at me.

"Waiting for what?" 

"For you to kiss me. I am Queen of Fairies, how can my Husband be without the blessing of one?" She said that with an extremely obvious tone.

When she said that I was out of words, how the hell I am supposed to know that?


Well, to be perfectly honest there is no reason to say no to what she wants.

"Very well, does this mean I can hug you too?" I asked cheekily.

"I don't see a reason not to, we already are married are we not? While I can't show my emotions to you, my husband, it doesn't mean you can't." She said that while hinting at something.

'This cheeky witch, I see…'

Seeing that she doesn't mind at all, I slowly wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her closer, even with her high heels she was smaller than me.

"I am waiting, that kiss is not going to happen on its own, Husband." She said that with a straight face, slighly reminding me of Salter bluntness.

'They are half-sisters after all.'

"And think of me when you kiss." She pointed that out.

I didn't say anything instead looked at her icy blue eyes.

"And why should I think about something else?" I asked her while leaning forward.

"You can't lie to me, I will know, and my instincts are far greater than anything you have seen." She said that while waiting for that kiss.


Only her pride is keeping her from moving on her own, and just kissing him herself!

The witch already realised that her husband knows that! And is using it against her!

This just made her more excited!

Eventually, he leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.

Morgan could only smile internally, because for one she did not tell him where to kiss her!

A simple peck on the cheek would do! Yet, he went for her lips, and it was very much appreciated!

The pale blond witch kept the part of her deal and blessed him with her strongest power.

She even purred when she felt her master element.

It was the same as hers!

After finishing with the blessing she closed her eyes and enjoyed the kiss, which only increased in intensity.

Seconds later Morgan's eyes snapped open when she felt his tongue slip inside her mouth and started wrestling with hers.

Few moments later he pulled away and saw that his lovely Caster was blushing a little bit.

"Not bad, Husband. We will keep practising correct? I will need to make sure the blessing continues to work on you." She said that with a very straight face, her blushing was receding quite rapidly.

"Of course, and I will exercise my rights as your King to keep you at hand's reach." He said that with an amused smirk.

"Very well, it is your right after all." Morgan didn't complain, instead she agreed wholeheartedly.


After the so-called blessing ceremony, Morgan set up a whole surveillance system.

Ren didn't know how it's working, but the more he heard the more he realised that it's pretty much a beefed up Sage Mode of sorts.

At least the sensory part, as his servant confirmed amount the corruption in the grail with a single glance.

Same time she found Tohsaka residence, Matou residence, even Einzbern Castle.

Not long after that Ren with Morgan's help converted a table into a full out 3D life map of Fuyuki.

"Wonderful, have you picked anything of interest?" He asked his servant while looking at the map, he could see multiple dots moving around, they looked like some ants...

"Nothing much, only some residues of a servant. I guess it's an Archer, only they have such a large range of independent action available to them." She pointed at the downtown area.

'Should I do it? Should I just prepare a trap in docks without knowing at least some details on servants?' Ren intensively looked at the map.

"Can you make out anything from residue you felt?" 

Morgan seeing that it's important for a second closed her eyes and tried to feel the residue of this servant.

"It's...very bright… nearly golden…" She said while trying to make out more.


"I guess, I should not expect anything less from Tokiomi Tohsaka… it's King Of Heroes." Ren said with a somewhat relieved sigh, he now is very positive that it is Gilgamesh. Tokiomi would not summon anything else.

"King of Heroes?..." Morgan had thoughtful look, she went through relevant information she received from the Grail.

"Fascinating… the oldest and...strongest Servant of Panhuman History…" She said that with a somewhat amused tone. She is looking forward to challenging such an opponent.

"We won't be meeting him head-on. No, we will be preparing a trap for him." Ren said seriously as he crossed his hands.

Morgan slightly frowned hearing that, she was about to complain.

"No, I think you are more than capable of fighting him, no other servant in known history can use something like Rhongomyniad like some cheap Magecraft, my point is that we will be able to breath more easily when someone like Gilgamesh is not around, and besides I want to keep your TRUE identity a secret as much as possible." He explained his reasoning.

"Hmm, I see, very well, my husband. You wish to deal with the greatest threat as soon as possible, only then we can enjoy the rest…" The pale blond witch said that with contemplating look.

She is a Queen and not some bloodthirsty warrior searching for some challenge. No, she has more curious things to do, instead of challenging some old Hero...

"I will agree with this under a single condition." She said that while walking over to his side.

"You will tell me everything you know about this war because I have this feeling that you know more than you telling me right now," Morgan said while narrowing her eyes at him, she was almost asking him to dare not to say anything as pain will follow after.

Normally, one would practically cover after being stared at by an evil witch of her calibre, only the difference in this situation is that he knows certain things about her, which saves his hide… to a certain extent.

"I was not planning to hide anything, I only know one possible route out of hundreds if not thousands," Ren explained to her.

"Oh, the more I heard about this, the more I have this feeling that there is more to you, my husband, than just First True Magic." She said that while her hand moved on his chest, she then gently pushed him back and he ended up sitting on the couch.

'When… Did she…'

The next moment she was sitting on his lap while facing him, one of her hands was already gently stroking his cheek.

'Ok, I take it back, she still does her regular scheming!'

"Now, why we don't spend this afternoon discussing everything you know about the Fourth Grail War." The pale blond witch said while she got comfortable sitting in a very intimate position.


(4/5 Chapters)

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